Are you too busy during tax season to save time?

Coaching Champions

Hi {ContactFirstName},
I know that you are probably far too busy now to thinking about growing your practice. I guess the real question probably is, would you like to grow your practice at all this year ?

Did you know that the best time to gather critical data from your clients is actually during the peak of tax season? Did you know that the data you gather would take almost none of your time and very little of your client's time to gather?

Check out the testimony from a new client who thought he was far too busy to implement anything new during the peak of tax seasons . . . but found out something new. Something that changed the way he was thinking. Check out what Richard has to share.

There are two ways you could take a few minutes to consider if this may be right for you as it was for Richard. If you would like to have a complimentary 30 minute interview/strategy session to see if this would be a good solution for you please feel free to call toll free 888.230.2300 ext. 222

The second option is register and attend a complimentary conference call/webinar to learn more about some of the possibilities . Click Here for additional information.

Look forward to connecting.

Next Wed! Wed. Feb 6th 5pm Eastern US Time

New Webcast On Profitable Partnerships
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Profitable partnerships is changing how business owners/leaders and CPA's
look to generate more and better leads. This webcast explores the specific best practices in developing turnkey system which helps us to generate more and better leaders, convert those leads faster and with less resources as a result of developing profitable partnerships.

"I, like most CPA's, get locked into doing really nothing other than business during tax time. This year I've decided to try something else and I'm excited about what I am setting out to do. I have thought about getting a professional coach for some time and have decided to move sooner rather than later on this.

I had an epiphany during a complimentary 30 minute interview. (WANT YOUR OWN!? CLICK HERE) If I invested just a little time now, with a little help, I would make a few small tweaks to how I view myself and the feeling that tax season controls me. Those tweaks would save me time and position my firm to do some amazing things after tax season.

My strong recommendation to any CPA/Accounting firm is to take advantage of the 30 minute interview strategy session offered through Synergy Solutions, Inc. In minutes it helped me to look at my business in a very different way."
Richard A. Parness - ,


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