This month’s topic:
Discovering & Connecting Our Life Vision
“Learning to partner with Community based organizations as well as other businesses.”

Thursday May 8th
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Location: Christmas Box House
950 12th St, Ogden, UT 84404

This first event only has 30 available spots, so please make sure to register early!

Join us not only for business but to support the cause of Christmas Box International. A wonderful non-profit organization that focuses on protecting and caring for children who have been abused or neglected.
Community / Business Partnerships is all about helping all types of businesses and organizations to better work / partner together to build BOS - Business Operating Systems which help us to learn a lot more, while working less hours.
We'll LEARN and then DO. . .
How to leverage our passions to earn more money and work less hours
How to create profitable WIN WIN partnerships
How to discover your life vision and what that means for your business
Connecting your life vision to others in business & community to make a huge impact
How to turn every networking opportunity into profitable business opportunities

Join others in their successes!

Scott Allred - Business Accounting Services and Systems, Inc.
406-552-4282, Ogden, UT