Encouragement from Members
Excitement can be a tremendous motivator. Frustration can be a tremendous deterrent. In the short time I have been part of the Coffee Connection and Mastermind Partnerships I have experienced both many times.
There is such an overwhelming amount of material available that it can be frustrating because I'm not always sure I am approaching it in the 'correct' sequence, but with each new exposure or interaction with people or material, I find tremendous value.
This may challenge my perception of who I am or how I am in the world, but I am very excited personally to achieve more satisfaction, understanding and success in my life so that I can enjoy life more and also fulfill my life vision.
I would highly recommend that if you have found value, to stay the course and allow yourself those moments of frustration, but also excitement.
Peaceful blessings on your day,
Karen Carlson
Ambit Energy
Why are you thinking of dropping out, may I ask? I wanted to drop out too because I was overwhelmed by what I needed to read and learn and the emails with links to many more things to read and learn and do and I don't have time to do those. I am also a very private person and I don't really like to memorialize in the cyberworld my inner thoughts and feelings each time I up/out or interact.
I stayed because I really want to learn and change certain things about me and I like the way the lessons and the group synergy challenge me. Also, the instructors share a lot of wisdom and thought provoking insights that provide clarity and direction to me. I think highly of the people in the Mastermind groups for who they are and what they want to accomplish for themselves and for others.
I think I will miss a lot if I leave and I will be a much better person if I stay. So I just made a commitment to stay and learn no matter what. For
a start, I made doing the 30 day challenge a priority and made time to do it. Each homework that I do is a commitment to do something that will improve myself and my business and I want to achieve these goals no matter what. There's so much work to do, yikes, but I try to focus on what I want to achieve not how hard or how much work I have to do and I just keep trying.
I hope you stay. Thank you.
Josie Brooks
Coldwell Banker