"Have you ever had a business lunch were it did not turn into business? Have you ever had an amazing business opportunity almost slip away or how many opportunities have we just let slip by and never even knew it? This case study is about a couple of business owners who planned on having a quick business lunch and turned it into a lot of business before the lunch was done.
[Case Study]

Action Steps To Success . . . - Don't just listen to the case study but pass it along to someone you would like to have the same experience with. After they listen to this case study they will want to do the same thing with you. - Order a printed copy of the workbook "The Golden Triangle" - click here for information to order printed copy - - Give a printed copy of the workbook (very important that it is printed and not "just" a pdf) to the key targeted potential referral partner and/or client.
I didn't realize that there are four distinct personality types plus a fifth that is a combination of the other four. Once I started to learn about them, I understood myself much better and why I do things the way I do. It also helped me understand my family, friends, co-workers and clients better so I was am to present ideas to them in the way that they understood and appreciated. It has helped me increase my business and made my life easier.
Dan Reid, Guild Mortgage
"I've always known that I had a very complex personality but I have never had anyone assess me in just a few minutes and be so dead on. It was amazing! The precision upon which the 30 minute interview / strategy session was done was impressive. There was actually no sales presentation and I had to push a bit to get information about products and services which would help me put the systems in place. Loved the Personality Masteries and the 5/30 Grid."
Rob Reynolds, Re /Max Star Properties CA - robreynolds@remax.net
As past President of CENTURY 21 Real Estate, LLC., leading over 140,000 sales professionals in over 70 countries, I had the privilege to be exposed to every major personality assessment in the marketplace. When I went through the level 1 certification I have to tell you it changed my life forever. For the first time in my life I saw, at the deepest core, who I really was and why. I understood things about myself that I never even realized I didn't know. I immediately applied what I learned to my kids, their spouses, my wife, and even my ex-wife. The certification program is so powerful, so easy to go through, and so inexpensive that I believe every single person should gain the benefit of going through the course.From a professional/business position it helps us understand in seconds our peers, those we lead, vendors, owners, partners and, most importantly, our clients, in a way I never even dreamed of. We see their world through their eyes! This enables us to market better, sell more effectively, service in the way the client wants to be serviced, and create clients/relationships for life. The ease of picking up this knowledge surprised me and the depth of materials and resources which are available excited me.I wish I had had this invaluable understanding decades ago. I would have made it a requirement for every single person in our company.”
Tom Kunz, past President - CENTURY 21 Real Estate, LLC.
This is the fastest, easiest, most powerful program/system for understanding personalities I have ever seen. It is presented in a way that anyone can understand and use every day in every area of their lives.
Dr. Pam Straker (Ph.D. in Psychology)
"I have never seen anything like this. It is helping me personally and professionally. It is the scientific process for understanding people, which anyone can understand. I use what I have learned EVERY day!"
Dr. Gregory Simpson (Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry)
Dear Mark & John, Here is an example of what a great difference talking to you last night made in my business. You told me that I, being an analytical personality, may tend to spend more time than necessary with clients because I give them too many details and explain too much for too long. Ihave been doing that thinking that people really need to have all this information and would like to get really educated before they make decisions to first, engage me and second, what type of planning to engage in. Well, today I called one of my clients whohas just completed planning with me, and here is what he said (when I mentioned what I learned about personality types and what I tend to do): "You are really good at what you do and I could see that and I trusted you. You gave a lot of really good information and a lot of it was very interesting BUT I definitely did not need all of it to make decisions to hire you. In fact, I was ready to move forward and decided to do it relatively soon and you could have done all the explaining I needed in HALF the time. I met with you, saw what you did, decided to do it and then it was like "let's do it, where do I sign?" For a "driver" personality like me, if I see that this makes sense, I am ready to go!" He then said, "imagine if you could cut off half the time with each client, how many more deals you could do!" Boy, was I in for a surprise! Here I was thinking I am giving clients all this valuable education and true understanding of how all this worksand many of them do not even need it!!!!!!!
Natalia Kabbe - Attorney and Counselor at Law
Dear Synergy, I have a bachelors degree in Psychology and was stunned, yes stunned, to go through your two hour training course in personality assessment. I learned more in two hours about people, personalities, how to identify someone's personality in fifteen seconds, connect with them, build trust quickly, how to communicate, and how to present things in their language so you don't end up selling to them but they just say "Yes" due to your presentation and connection. It was truly amazing!
Jeremy Zollers Mind Squared User - Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Dear Synergy, I attended one of your business development sessions on using personalities to sell and grow your business and I want to say it was the most amazing workshop I've ever been a part of. You may be surprised where it impacted my life the most. I learned more about my husband and our marriage in two hours then I did in six months of marriage counseling. I have new hope,excitement, energy, and hope for our marriage and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. PS. It also helped me so much in understanding how to better connect with the other 15 personalities outside of my own. I can see how this will help me to increase my sales 2, 4, or even 10 times. So easy! So powerful! Thanks again, you've changed my life and my business!
Julie H-Workshop Attendee
Dear Life Masteries, Thank you so much for giving to others so generously. When I attended your session on ""Helping children reach their full potential through the better understanding of their personalities."" I shared withthe seminar presenter, Mr. Boersma that I was a grandmother and was just going to sit in on a few minutes of the session because I had successfully raised five children and now had grand children. This session was life changing and I want my children to attend as it will help them so much in raising their children. It opened a whole new world of learning to me. If I had had this information and training when I was raising children it would have made parenting so much easier. What a wonderful work you're doing and changing the lives of people. It truly changed my life and has helped me to understand my husband, Joe, of 46 years of marriage in a new and exciting manner. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Phyllis B. Grandmother who attended Mind 2 workshop. PS. It also helped me so much in understanding how to better connect with the other 15 personalities outside of my own. I can see how this will help me to increase my sales 2, 4, or even 10 times. So easy! So powerful! Thanks again, you've changed my life and my business!
Phyllis B.
Dear Mark, Having a Masters Degree in Psychology has provided me a luxury that very few have in studying the science of people. I saw you take your on-line system and analyze over 40 people on a team on the East Coast inseconds and then share with them the team dynamics, where the strengths, weaknesses, how they could better work together, how they could systematically improve productivity with only minor adjustments. In my Masters degree program, they talked about the ability to do this but you put feet to their theory. I'm not aware of anyone really being able to do this until now. When I heard you do an analysis of a group of professionals from India and how moved they were by your analysis, I knew this was something that could be used by individuals all over the world, at all levels, in every economic group. Totally amazing — what a gift Synergy has to change the world in which we live. Giving this technology to www.LifeMasteries.org to use in their mission of ""Touching lives...transforming identities"" is one of the mostgenerous and giving things I've seen a business do. Your entire team is blessed and you will change the world in which we live. You have done the impossible and every single person in the world would benefit by using this program in all areas of their lives.
Natalie Casillas-Masters Degree in Psychology
Dear Mark, Hey Mark, how in the world are you doing? The on-line personality analysis program, that you introduced to our school, Mind Squared, is awesome. I was amazed at how simple and powerful this system is. It enabled us to quickly and seamlessly assess the personality profiles of our entire staff, all middle school and high school students, and every new student who enrolls into our school. Since we at Capitol Christian Academy pride ourselves in having a technologically advanced high school, Mind Squared was an easy fit for us. We simply had our students and staff login onto your website and within minutes we had a profile on every student and staff member. I've never seen anything like this in education or business. You enabled us to take your years of research and experience and use it to better prepare our staff, students andparents to meet the challenges ofthe future, and for a very reasonable price. Subsequently, we are already receiving dividends back. We are able to quickly see possible staff to staff, student to student, and staff to student conflicts. We are better able to assess the placement of staff using the information provided from Mind Squared. Students love it because they learn to better understand themselves, their peers and their teachers. In addition, our new parents are very surprised and pleased that we take the time to get to know their child and their needs. Many of them think that I'm psychic when I talk to them about their child's likes anddislikes, weaknesses and strengths even before the interview starts. Mark, your on-line system is a step away from a fortune. Any school or business that is interested in improving itself, would be crazy if they could not see the benefits of this powerful tool. Satisfied and Lovin It
Dr. David W. Gadson - Principal, Capitol Christian Academy
Dear Synergy Team, The Mind Squared on-line personality assessment is so easy to use it's hard to believe. Identifying a student's and/or their parents' personalities in ten seconds, knowing how to teach them, connect with them, communicate with them, and help them is a tool that has immeasurable worth and value to those of us in the teaching profession. Your technology has value beyond worth and will help change the world inwhich we live. When you identified one of my students personalities in ten seconds using the on-line system and then were able to do the same thing for his mom, without either of them even being there, without you ever even meeting them, is something that's so out-of-this-world. This system will change people's lives, marriages, family, relationshipswith children, careers, and businesses. It's truly amazing. With all my education, I've never seen a tool that is so life changing and at the same time easy to use. Being able to be trained in this in minutes seemed almost too good to be true. Keep up the great work in touching lives...transforming identities.
Ron Harrison - Assistant Principal