The NEXT Step . . . what do we do to put the systems in place to earn money while writing a book? - Overview
What is your Life Vision?
10 Months To Success
Becoming An International Author & Speaker
The 5/30 Grid is the DNA to seeing success not only in becoming an successful author but also can be used in any business to sell any type of product. In this less we drill into the first 3 levels within Area 1: Marketing and learn that the heart of our business is our database. We learn what types/groups of people we need to have in our database. The right database will not only help us to sell a lot more books but will also help us to work less hours, have greater influence, get on TV/radio stations, connect with very successful people, and will be the foundation for financial freedom. Great session to finish up on 7 introductory lessons and start us very strong on the 5/30 Solution Grid. ($69.95)