Apply 5 Freedom Fighters
- Overview
Do you ever feel like your contributions/revenue are up and down and up and down? Do you desire to implement a turnkey system which will assist you in gaining more consistency in that area? The 5 Time Management Freedom Fighters are a great way to do get started in building this system. ($19.95)
Area 3: The Sale
Level 4: Apply 5 Freedom Fighters
Have you ever wondered why so many people seem to be running out of time? It's because they're taught in school and in their previous jobs how to do the work not how to: 1. Delegate, 2. Systematize, 3. Contract Out, 4. Hire Someone, 5. Partner with someone. If you don't learn how to do the above, think about this . . . .the more efficient/effective you become the more work you will ALWAYS have. To gain freedom you MUST master the 5 Time Management Freedom Fighters. This lesson is as valuable as Area 3: The Sale is the hardest of all five areas of business to have someone other than a professional sales person do the work, which gives no one freedom. This is a 35 minute lesson with 26 minutes of Q&A. ($19.95)
Level 4: Apply 5 Freedom Fighters
Have you ever wondered why so many people seem to be running out of time? It's because they're taught in school and in their previous jobs how to do the work not how to: 1. Delegate, 2. Systematize, 3. Contract Out, 4. Hire Someone, 5. Partner with someone. If you don't learn how to do the above, think about this . . . .the more efficient/effective you become the more work you will ALWAYS have. To gain freedom you MUST master the 5 Time Management Freedom Fighters. This lesson is as valuable as Area 3: The Sale is the hardest of all five areas of business to have someone other than a professional sales person do the work, which gives no one freedom. This is a 35 minute lesson with 26 minutes of Q&A. ($19.95)