Thank you for inquiring about the ActionVision system.
The ActionVision system can be used individually, by a company, or as a team.
ActionVision plan is customized for the individual, the company, or on an area of focus. There are no two individuals the same just as there are no two ActionVision plans and/or coaching/consulting plans that are the same
On average, individuals will see a 35% increase in work
productivity within 30 to 60 days.
What that means is that
individuals will accomplish more in less time – i.e. work fewer hours if that is what they want to do.
Over 95% of those who go on ActionVision take action and follow- through. This is, in large part, due to the fact that we are careful about whom we allow to go on ActionVision. If someone is not coachable or if
we do not believe we can help an individual accomplish what they want
to accomplish, we will refer them to someone else.
Most of our business comes from referrals, so to continue to maintain success, we obviously
have to keep our clients very happy and to do that, we need great clients.
On average, some are more, some are less, but on
average, if someone completes 90% of their own
customized ActionVision plan, they will get 94% of their
desired results which is often earning 100% more than
they earned over the last twelve months.
We have a passion for helping people double their income, reduce the number of hours they
work, help them reduce their stress, and improve their overall life balance.
There are three different levels of participation in the ActionVision system for individuals.
Please see the following pages for additional details. The more advanced levels empower
an individual to do more, in less time, with less effort. The more advanced levels also come
with more coaching, higher-level coaching, tools, resources, and technology support.
Others have found that if they invest ONE hour a week into the
system, they will gain an extra TWO hours from that one hour
investment. This same thing is true from a financial and emotional
or energy investment as well. The more time you invest, the more
time you will have. Why? It is due to the systems doing the work on
your behalf.
If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call any time.
We look forward to doing some great things together!
Mark Boersma
President, Synergy Solutions, Inc. | Website | Toll Free: 888.230.2300
To be a successful business we need to have a
Business Operating System or a BOS, as we
refer to it, which governs all our systems. To get
our businesses to make a profit without us, we
need to develop powerful turnkey systems which
are working even when we are not.
Your custom ActionVision plan and coaching
program will assist you to determine what are the
best actions to take, when should we take those
actions, who should take those actions, and how
should those actions taken be to accomplish your
Your ActionVision plan will fully integrate the 5/30 Grid and Personality Masteries into your
plan along with specific actions and goals that you would like to achieve, both personally and
Each box within the 5/30 Grid has a number in the lower right hand
corner. In most situations following the numbering sequence from 1
to 30 is the most effective way to implement the 5/30 Grid. As you
are coached in how to successfully complete the actions necessary
for each box within the 5/30 Grid, we will build your Business
Operating System to achieve the vision for your company or
ActionVision employs three types of coaching to maximize the value
you are receiving. Each type of coaching brings value that the other two types will not. Your
plan will employ the proper balance between one on one coaching, group/mastermind
coaching, and online training. The proper blend of the three types of coaching will maximize
the return you receive from your investment of time and resources and will help you to
achieve your goals in the least amount of time.
“Trust the
integrity of
the System!”
Tom Kunz
Past President of
Real Estate, LLC.
Four ways a company or organization may go through the 5/30 Grid
Diagonal Learning
Horizontal Learning
Vertical Learning
Specific Box Learning
In most situations “Diagonal Learning” is the
most effective way to learn. This produces the
fastest results and provides the most solid
foundation for building your BOS – Business
Operating System. We accomplish this as a
result of using the numbers in each box and go
from the upper left to the lower right.
“Horizontal Learning” is often applied
if a company has specific individuals or
departments which cover each of the five areas
within the business and desires each individual
or division to gain specific expertise faster.
Even when “Horizontal Learning” is applied
initially, many companies will have everyone in
their company go through “Diagonal Learning”
to insure that all five areas and all thirty boxes
are fully integrated.
“Vertical Learning” is based on the six levels
of proficiencies within each of the five areas.
This learning may be used to gain greater
and deeper integration within a company and/
or can be used if there is a desire to have a
balance of learning and application within the
five areas.
“Specific Box Learning” is often employed
when a company is having challenges with
specific areas or boxes within the 5/30 Grid.
If done properly, this can provide a company
with very specific and directly targeted efforts,
which will produce faster results. This is
normally applied after the full 5/30 Grid has
been implemented and is not designed to be
a quick fix but a strategic application to fine
tune and tweak a BOS – Business Operating
System - which is already very effective.
Your custom ActionVision plan(s) can employ any one of the four ways to
learn and do the 5/30 Grid and/or a combination of all of them.
You can have one ActionVision plan for your entire company or could
have every single person on their own ActionVision plan. You can have
one of our certified consultants implement the ActionVision plan(s) within
your company or you may have key people within your company become
certified in ActionVision and implement the system throughout your entire
There is unlimited flexibility within ActionVision as each plan is customized
specifically for you individually or for your company.
ActionVision One-On-One Coaching Order Form
One-on-one ActionVision business/life development/coaching system has three levels of
participation to best meet your specific personal, professional, and business/organizational
needs. Which one is right for you? Determine how quickly you would like to see results, the
level of results, the intensity/frequency of the coaching, the resources you would like devoted
to your success, and your budget. Chose the level of participation which will provide you the
best value for the investment in the time frames you desire.
One-On-One Coaching
$ 285
$ 985
$ 2,100
Initial Investment:
OPTIONAL Upgrade: (1)
1. Once-a-month one-on-one coaching
2. Detailed assessment
3. 12 Month personalized/customized plan
4. 24/7 on-line university courses
5. 1 weekly group coaching
6. Twice a month one-on-one coaching
7. Assessments in multiple areas
8. 2 ½ Year system to get business to work w/o you
9. 2 weekly group coaching sessions
10. 1 Master Mind MAGIC monthly meeting
11. Quarterly Business Masteries LIVE events
12. WEEKLY one-on-one coaching
13. Unlimited personal assessments throughout year
21. Quarterly live mastermind small group coaching
Interested in finding out more or ordering?
Please fill out the registration form and we will contact you
* Required
One common question is “What level is the best
one for me to get started with?”
The 3 Steps To Success Principle Is:
Just like a doctor will never give you a solution without doing the
examination, the same thing is true in developing a BOS – Business
Operating System - through ActionVision. Step 1: The Examination can
be a short series of questions or can be a much more complex series of
assessments, it totally depends on what your needs are.
Step 2: The Solution normally involves three types of solutions, a basic,
intermediate, and advanced. The basic is a great place to start if you are
not sure what you want to do, you are the type of person who needs to
understand everything before you get started, you do not have a sense of
urgency, and/or finances are very tight. The Intermediate is for someone
who tends to move very quickly, follows their gut feel, and/or has a strong
urgency, and trusts themselves and others.
Step 3: Implementation can be done quickly or can take a much longer
period of time, depending on how urgent you would like to improve your
company/success and how important change is to you. The higher the
level of implementation the faster change will occur.
“Trust the integrity of the System!” Tom Kunz, Past President of CENTURY 21 Real Estate, LLC.
Optional Upgrade:(1)
One-On-One Coaching
$ 285
$ 985
$ 2,100
Initial Investment:
OPTIONAL Upgrade: (1)
Those individuals who desire faster results, are more passionate, can clearly see how the
system will benefit them and those who are able to make the additional investment are
those who tend to move forward with the upgraded levels. If your budget does not afford the
Optional Upgrade PLEASE DO NOT chose that option. Faster is better as long as it is the
best thing to do and we have the capacity to do more in less time.
Optional Upgrade - Intermediate - $1,495/mo
Do you ever feel you do not have enough time in the day to implement all your great ideas
and/or you know you should be doing key things to better work “On” your business rather
than working ”In” your business?
The Upgrade Option for intermediate taps into VA’s - virtual assistants that Synergy
contracts with and leverages those additional resources to complete one NEW business
development project a quarter without you doing any of the work.
Imagine . . . not only having a great plan but some valuable skilled resources which could
actually do the work, follow through on things, take action where you do not have the desire,
and/or skill, and/or time.
Optional Upgrade - Advanced - $4,000/mo
Having a great plan and great coaching is an excellent place to start. Having additional
resources which are proven in helping get things done faster and with less effort is even
better. In the Upgrade Option for Advanced, you will have access to key highly trained/
skilled VA – Virtual Assistants - which will actually do a lot of the work on your behalf.
Others who have selected this option have shared that having this option is like having a
team of five, full time, highly trained/skilled professionals come in at one time to build and
implement the 5/30 Grid + Personality Masteries + Natural Laws.
Your plan will include having others around you to start to do more and to have your
ActionVision coaching team do a lot of the work on your behalf. In addition to the 5/30
Grid, the advanced includes an entire area of Leadership development as well as Profitable
Partnership development.
Service Overview
ActionVision – BASIC
Step 1: Examination: The basic includes doing one Business X-Ray which
looks at three dimensions, 7 systems, 9
major areas of business, and over 40
areas of business/personal assessment.
A one-on-one interviewing session is also
included in this package.
Step 2: Solutions: Once a thorough
examination is completed, a detailed
customized ActionVision plan will be
developed to assist, provide detailed
actions, process and systems required for
the individual to move to the next level of
Step 3: Implementation: A certified ActionVision Executive coach will train, coach and
mentor professionals to assist in the fulfillment of the necessary actions/process/ systems to
accomplish the required goals. The ActionVision plan will measure the overall efforts being
invested to accomplish the desired results as well as the actual results. Individuals receive
one-on-one, group, and 24/7 on-line coaching.
Your first year on ActionVision – Basic coaching program, in most situations, will teach how
to set up the six cornerstone boxes (Diagonal Learning) within the 5/30 Grid and then follow
through on what we learn.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Basic level ActionVision plans may be used by anyone within an
organization but are normally used for frontline individuals. Managers and leaders will
normally start off using the Intermediate levels due to the more advanced assessment tools,
the more complex planning, and the higher level of coaching.
Step 1: Examination: We start off,in the Intermediate ActionVision level,
with a custom team assessment. This
assessment looks at each team
member’s personality (Personality
Masteries) as well as key team
indicators, and overall coachability
within the team and for each team
In the Intermediate ActionVision,
additional focus will also be given to
assessing other individuals who are
connected to the individual doing
partners, virtual assistants, referrals partners, etc. Assessment tools will also assess the five
Area 1: Marketing - How do we generate more and better leads? Area 2: Pre-Sales - How do we convert more prospects into clients? Area 3: The Sale - How do we convert prospects faster? Area 4: Servicing - How do we turn servicing into a profit center? Area 5: Clients for Life - How do we obtain more referrals and create clients for life?
Assessments will happen throughout the year and are included in the initial investment, in
combination with the monthly investment.
Step 2: Solutions: Your custom ActionVision intermediate plan will be developed which
may include customized training for the entire team in – Culture & Values – Vision – Belief
& Knowledge – DO – GIVE – Our Legacy. Personality Masteries, team building, and
processes to improve personal and professional success may also be included in some of
the training/coaching as well.
Depending on the number of individuals using ActionVision in a group, custom group
coaching sessions may be developed based on specific team/leadership needs and/or
strategic individual group coaching sessions may be recommended for individuals connected
to the professional being coached.
Intermediate ActionVision will help set up stronger systems in less time to do more with less
energy. If we think of the five areas as a pipeline with five pipes, we are seeking to increase
the size of each of the pipes and maximize the bandwidth or the flow through each pipe,
which maximizes overall profitability.
Step 3: Implementation: Each individual is assigned a lead coach and
also has access to a team of certified ActionVision executive coaches who
will assist the individual in applying the 5 Time Management Freedom
Fighters – Delegate, Systematize, Contract Out, Hire Someone, and Partner,
and fully integrate the six levels of Leadership into the 5/30 Grid.
Your ActionVision coaching team:
Will build details laying out each action on the ActionVision plan.
Will assist in applying the 4 Steps to Great Leadership and determine who the best
people are to execute the actions and how to best do each action.
monthly assessment of progress.
Will when needed, provide
support to develop internal
mastermind groups who will be
coached to address specific areas within the company/organization.
IMPORTANT NOTES: Intermediate ActionVision plans tend to be used by leaders and
owners within a company. There are more assessments, more detailed plans, more tools,
systems, and processes which are available to those in the Intermediate ActionVision plans.
Individuals who are on the Intermediate level of ActionVision do not necessarily need to
invest more time, as the system is designed to help you capture 3 extra hours for every 1
hour invested into the three types of coaching.
The Advanced ActionVision level is designed for those who desire to set up the most
advanced systems to take their IP – Intellectual Property, their knowledge, systems, and
BOS – Business Operating System - and leverage that for massive success. This could
include expanding their system around the nation/world, partnering with others, and/or
greatly expanding their operations.
In most situations individuals/companies are not accepted into this level until they have
successfully been involved in Intermediate ActionVision coaching. We can build a system
which is successful for you but to build on that universally requires advanced understanding
and technology to achieve that success.
Step 1:
Examination: Online
technology assessments will be
utilized to assist leaders
in obtaining
key information about themselves
and team members.
assessments will be completed
individually as well as from a team’s
Special assessment
tools may be used to review
leadership skills, use of technology,
and effectiveness for individuals
within a team, along with powerful
throughout the entire team.
Step 2:
Solutions: A custom
ActionVision plan will be developed, which will often include customized training for team/
referral partners in Personality Masteries, team building, and processes to improve personal/
professional success. Online technology and media will be used to discover the best
solutions and best practices which are required to assist the leadership team/referral
partners achieve their overall vision for the team. Step 3: Implementation: A team of certified ActionVision executive
coaches will assist with the implementation of the advanced
ActionVision plan. Best practices along with
Natural Laws will be
captured and then put into a technology solution which will increase
the effectiveness of future training, coaching, and mentoring. The system will actually
best practices
from the leader and those best practices will
be brought into the
overall system.
There are over 200 Natural Laws which have been discovered over the last 20+ years.
These Natural Laws are critical to the success of any BOS system being used in multiple
situations and with multiple types of people.
Your ActionVision coaching team:
Will build details laying out each
action on the ActionVision plan for:
- Area 1: Marketing
- Area 2: Pre-Sales
- Area 3: The Sale
- Area 4: Servicing
- Area 5: Client For Life
to determine the best way to get
these five areas to function in the
most effective manner without the
business owner.
Will assist you in applying the 4 Steps to Great Leadership and determine who the best
people are to execute the actions and how to best do each action.
Will when needed, provide support to develop internal mastermind groups who will be
established, trained, and coached to address specific areas within the company/organization.
Will provide a quarterly detailed assessment of progress and a detailed revised plan to
achieve additional success in every future quarter.
Will then put best practices into a turn-key online technology solution which will have strong
scalability, will lower costs and save people time, all while increasing effectiveness of
individuals and the team as a whole.
Is ideal for the high-level individual with unique knowledge skills, networks, connections,
personalities, wisdom, insights, etc. who would like to take their knowledge base and turn it
into Intellectual Properly (IP) and monetize that on a mass basis.
Something Interesting
To Think About
So . . . if we have a problem, we have created it at
the dimension we are currently living and/or
working in. To solve that problem, we will need to
jump to the next dimension/level.
So . . . since we are in the level or dimension we
are in, we do not know what we do not know, so . .
we will not fully see/understand the solution when
it is presented to us.
We often get stuck earning the same level of
income, at the same level of sales/profits, and
wonder why we are stuck. A better question is
“What actions do we need to do to get unstuck?”
Believe it or not, the answer is very easy to
communicate to others, but very hard for us to
do . . .
“Trust the Integrity of the System!”
Tom Kunz Past President of CENTURY 21 Real Estate, LLC.
For additional information call 888.230.2300
Most of the training/coaching/mentoring will be completed over the phone/internet and
webinars. All travel/lodging expenses, for any required travel, will be billed separately.
There may be other specific projects/work which a company will request additional
assistance for, over-and-above what is covered on the team ActionVision program.
Separate projects/work may be done on a contract basis and could be billed on a project
and/or hourly basis.
Our businesses are at a certain level or dimension of success which generate the sales/
profit/income that we currently are producing, and require us to work the hours we work.
To double our income, we need to move from our current dimension to the next. To do
that, we will need to have the right type of knowledge - coaching – systems – tools – and
mentoring done with us, at the right time, in the right way.
The more intense the coaching (higher level of ActionVision) the faster someone will move
through their current dimension to the next.
To determine which level is best for you ask yourself the following questions:
1. $_________ WOW income (something great) over next 12 months:
[__] – Profit, [__] – Sales, [__] – Personal Income
2. Targeted Increase from current: $________
3. Reduce hours work from ____ to ____
4. Reduce stress from ____ to ____
5. Improve life balance from ____ to ____
6. Financial amount I believe I will need and am able to invest to achieve the
goals listed above is: