Biggest Challenge - Printers - Past Challenges

Thank you for your interest in the discovery of what others in your industry or this industry specifically are facing as their biggest challenge and/or what they would love help on. Speed Coaching is powerful as we are able to, in minutes, help individuals discover possible solutions to challenges which are holding them back.

We can do Speed Coachi ng for any industry , group of people, and/or specific positions.  All we need are five individuals from that industry - group of people - or specific positions and we will then do a group Speed Coaching session.

These sessions are not only great for those in a specific industry but also for those who sell, partner, work with those in this industry. Gather up five individuals, from the same industry - group of people - position and register through the following link and we will work to get that Speed Coaching session scheduled as soon as possible. 

Biggest Challenge Short Coaching Feedback Possible Solution Interaction
Know a better way to market our Brand continuity program on printing of products.
The biggest challenge we're facing is enticing new potential customers to work with us. I would love to learn what our consumers look for when finding printers/printing solution partners.
How to work with our customers when we are proposing and quoting something that isn't as black and white as print. Print has specs, quantities of sheets, and concrete product, whereas marketing is more dynamic and less-defined. We need help with pricing and organizing how this work flows into our other processes.



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