What is your Life Vision?

The Way We ACT

Have you ever been part of a team where it seems like the core values or beliefs or actions are very different for different people on the team? 

Have you ever felt like there were 20% of the people doing 80% of the work, 60% of the people are kind of holding their own, and the bottom 20% of the people are really holding the company back?

We have developed, in partnership with Life Masteries Institute what we call the Code Of Honor.  This is a Code that every team member commits to follow through on.  We take a violation of Our Code to be very serious and actually work with Life Masteries and other consulting resources to assist us in addressing the code violations at the core level.

Most companies address things at the surface level because honestly, it's a lot easier to do and takes a LOT LESS TIME . . . in the short term to do.  We believe in addressing things at the CORE level of the Code to insure that we follow the "Integrity Of The System"

Code Of Honor

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