Kirch Property Management




What is your Life Vision?

Kirch Property Management




Why consistency is so important to success

How important is consistency? What do we do when we struggle with consistency? How do we gain the mental toughness to not make excuses but move forward? In this session we learn about the importance of all the above things and how to tap into those who are successful around us and learn how to be more like them AND build systems which create that success on an on going basis.

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Succeeding together and moving up the ladder of success together

What is the power of asking questions? It will transform how we do business and will draw people to use. Learning the art of asking questions in our sales process is important in helping us get where we want to go in business. Partnering up with other people and learning how to they success will help all of to grow more together than we ever could on our own. .

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Building own own Business Operating System

Imagine . . . having a system by which you would produce consistent leads, close a number of those leads, service your clients in such a way that they refer a number of amazing prospects to you, and you continue to earn more money and work less hours. That's what the 5/30 Grid is all about and the more exposure we have to it the more we understand how it can be the foundation for our entire Business Operating System.

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The Cluster Principle and the power of natural laws

When we understand natural laws, we will see greater success in every area of our life. The application of the "Cluster Principle" will help us to generate very profitable referrals from our current and past clients. We will also learn the value/importance of capturing success from our own efforts as well as others and then reproduce that success.

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Trust the integrity of the system

When we trust the system we follow the system. When we follow the system, we see greater success with less effort. Learning and applying the 5/30 Grid and the cornerstone 3 and then 5 boxes we'll see greater success. Learning how to fully integrate all 30 boxes together in the 5/30 Grid will help us to earn a lot more money, work less hours, have less stress, and see greater success in every area of our life.

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Short and Powerful!?

Why is Personality Masteries so important? How do we learn to identify someone's personality in seconds and then sell/service to them in the way the way they want to be sold/serviced. When we learn how to modify our approach to someone based on their personality not only will we sell more, we will sell faster, and gain more referrals from servicing as we are servicing the way people like to be serviced.

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Why is Personality Masteries so important?

Why is Personality Masteries so important? How do we learn to identify someone's personality in seconds and then sell/service to them in the way the way they want to be sold/serviced. When we learn how to modify our approach to someone based on their personality not only will we sell more, we will sell faster, and gain more referrals from servicing as we are servicing the way people like to be serviced.

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Selling Based On Personality

Great success on sales coaching and personalities. When we learn how to sell based on personalities, we see a lot better results with a lot less effort. More money, less time, great deal! (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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Week 8 - Follow up on the "DO NOT MISS THIS SESSION!"

Martin took simple action from half way around the world and it changed his life forever. When we allow "Walls of Opportunity" to hold us back we do not achieve our full potential. We can all learn from Martin's lessons of success and take action as Martin has. (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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It's important that we are always safe in all that we do. Some great ideas in today's session are talked about. We also learn how certain personality types will take too much time thinking and not taking action. Let's take action. We learn how important it is to have someone mentoring and maybe even making calls with us and how to overcome objections and keep after things when we feel like quitting. To grow at a faster rate we need to track all of our efforts and results so we know what's working and what is not. Great lesson! (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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Week 6 - Safety - Taking Action - Moving things forward

It's important that we are always safe in all that we do. Some great ideas in today's session are talked about. We also learn how certain personality types will take too much time thinking and not taking action. Let's take action. We learn how important it is to have someone mentoring and maybe even making calls with us and how to overcome objections and keep after things when we feel like quitting. To grow at a faster rate we need to track all of our efforts and results so we know what's working and what is not. Great lesson! (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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Overcoming Problems - Walls Of Opportunity Week 5

Have you ever been discouraged and felt like quitting? Have you experienced the thrill of not quitting, when others probably would have, to go on and see success. Often . . . we just need one little piece to make that breakthrough. In this session we also learned about the Delayed Action/Result principle and how we need to focus on taking action today that will not only produce results/dollars today but also in the future. Would you like to learn the 1, 2, 3 of how to get to you WOW income goal? Learn the basics of the Pressure Point Analysis and how to determine mathematically how many phone calls you need to make each day to get to your WOW income goal. (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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10 Steps to amazing / profitable meetings Week 4

What are the 10 steps to having a very successful meeting? How can we all gain more time in the day? How do we leverage the lives and talents of others to see greater success in our own life and business? If people really do want more time in their week then it's a MUST to and take 6 minutes a day with 3 other people. Success is our choice! (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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How we can move to The NEXT Dimension - Week 3

WOW . . . what an amazing session! We talked about the successes from this last week, how going out on one call with someone who has experience can help someone grow so fast/much. We covered the NEXT Dimension Principle, the four different types of coaching, and how we can double our income when we learn to think in the next dimension. People who are earning twice as much as we are, think and act in a different way. We covered the difference between a formatted franchise and a non formatted franchise and the power/value of the formatted type. We learned the importance of everyone following the same system/process and being disciplined in all that we do. An Amazing Session! (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found it helpful.)

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Learning out to Manage UP/OUT to greater income - Week 2

There were so many great things covered in this session that you'll need to go through it to pick everything up. As soon as you complete EACH and EVERY lesson please email Devyn, at, and Mark Boersma at with the following three things: 1. What I learned, 2. What action I will take from what I learned, 3. What I believe I need to learn next. We will be tracking ALL lessons that each one of us do as a team individually to insure that we're all on the same page moving forward. Devyn will be tracking this in a Google doc so please make sure that you email the three items to both Mark and Devyn after each session. Please do this same assignment for all live sessions you do as well. (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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How we can move to The NEXT Dimension - Week 1

In this first getting started session we learned how to get things up and rolling, how to get on line, and the importance of the weekly life coaching session. (No charge for this session but can make a contribution to Life Masteries Institute if you found session helpful.)

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