Segment 1 - Moving from 15 attendees to 45

Moving from 15 attendees for our Mastermind Seminar to 14 attendees isn't easy but isn't hard as well.  In the book Good To Great, Jim Collins shares that great organizations have people who are Disciplined People - Disciplined Thinkers and Disciplined in Taking Action.

We talk about marketing and how to get every team member really committed and to market to their groups. Great idea to have everyone who attends contribute $10 for a raffle of something that will draw people in.  

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Segment 2 - The next level of success

How can we bring ourselves as a team to the next level?  We had a strong start and we need to push ourselves to strong follow through to grow our events and make a lot of money from our participation.  If we live debt free, we can increase our quality of living by about 20% - we discuss the idea of how can we avoid being "in debt to tasks", kill things quickly and maximize our benefit and roles. 

How do we create a stronger group which will result in all of us earning a lot more money and working a lot less hours?

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Segment 3 - Improve our speaking and presentation skills

Coaching / Mentoring on becoming an amazing speaker


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