7. Profitable Partnerships

Do we have "diamonds in the rough" in our lives . . . meaning do we have people, companies, or networks in our lives that we're not gain the full value of what they have to offer and/or give our best to them, without even knowing it.

In Mastermind Seminars, we learn about Natural Laws each month.  These are laws which govern our worlds and those who are successful, wealthy (in every area of their lives) have learned to be great stewards of the 5 T's, Time, Talents, Treasure, Trust and Truth .

We have gives, talents and connections which could bring benefit to others and others have the same which could bring benefit to us.  We've probably all heard
"We can accomplish far more together than we ever could on our own." but what does that really mean?

Have you noticed that when we follow through with things we love to do, we have passion for, that when we pour energy into those things, that we get more energy than we give?  Have you noticed that when you do things you are not passionate about that you lose energy rather than gain it.  We've all probably noticed that others have passions for things we do not like and when we are able to learn how to connect with people / partners who have different energy's / passions than we do that we can accomplish far more together than we ever could on our own.

This process though . . . is not a natural process for most of us as people who are different than us . . . often drive us crazy.  :-)  Think about it . . . WHAT IF you had access to the Time (things people are passionate about doing) - Talents (natural gifts and skills developed) - Treasure (financial and material positions) - Trust (relationships and networks) and Truth (wisdom, life's experiences, knowledge learned from their mistakes, and insights,) what would our lives be like by having 700% more of all 5 T's? 

The Truth is that we would not increase all we had by 700% but would probably increase it by 7,000% or maybe 70,000 more likely.  Why?  It's not addition, it's multiplication or probably ex potentially more.  It's like raising ourselves and others to the "x" power of something.

To do this . . .
Step 1: The 14 Week Online Course - Additional Information -
Step 2: Join a mastermind group - (Do at the same time we are going through the course.)
            Option 1: Mastermind Seminars
            Option 2: Mastermind Coaching Group
Step 3: LEARN and then DO in connecting with other powerful people to partner together.

A properly run mastermind group will only take one hour a week of time, can be done over the phone, and will give us back a minimum of three extra hours a week and probably more like ten plus extra hours.  If this is hard to believe check out the white paper " The Secret About Time ."

If we order the online course right now, it will set in motion a series of events and connections which will change our lives forever!  - Additional Information -

Don't procrastinate as we will never know how much money, opportunities and amazing relationships that we lose due to not taking action right away, right now!

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