Creating Profitable Databases

Do you ever feel like you don't have enough time in your day?  Do you feel like you should be getting a lot better return on your marketing efforts? Do you feel like somethings holding you back . . . but just can't put your finger on it?  

This roundtable discussion will discuss databases like you've never heard before.

We'll share specific strategies and success stories about how by better leveraging your database you will be able to generate a lot more sales / profits, reduce the hours we work, reduce our stress and "Yes" even improve our life balance.  

You'll NEVER look at your database in the same way . . . EVER!

Biggest Challenge
$$$ to spend & leads
Marketing efforts translating into revenue
Consistency & follow up
Marilyn Messaging that we are an active community for healthy seniors
Gerry I need to outsource rather than doing it myself

Additional Resources To Assist You Quickly!
Do you feel if you had greater success in your career it would help improving the marketing in your company?  ( Career Success )  Would stronger leadership help grow your company?  ( Integrity Leadership )  Would a stronger BOS - Business Operating System generate more profits?  Do you feel you need to take action quickly in the area of generating more and better leads? ( One On One Customized Coaching )  Would you benefit from someone else coming in and doing a lot of the work, you and your team aren't able to get to?  (Virtual Assistants)
   . . . Check which resources you might benefit from quickly.

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