Is mentoring required for success? It is probably fair to say that individuals who are successful in every area of their lives would say "Yes." Why? If we have to learn everything on our own, that is a long and hard journey. In mentoring to success we learn how, through natural laws, there is a science to both being mentored and mentoring others. We'll also learn that often, the mentor will learn, grow, and achieve an amazing "pay back" which is even larger than the individual being mentored. NOTE: Currently this book is actually in the process be being written. Supporting materials, resources, tools, and assistance are also being developed for each chapter. For those who purchase the book prior to it being completed they will also receive new updates until the book is completed, and are invited to attend a weekly group coaching session (Wednesday's 10 am (pdt), 11 am (mdt), 12 pm (cdt), and 1 pm (edt) at 218.862.7200 - Access Code: 473678) You will have direct access to the authors, input into the actual content in the book, be able to ask specific questions, and gain additional resources which will bring Mentoring To Success alive for you and those around you. ($8.95)
Why don't I take action and follow through? - Overview
Why do we start something and then not follow through? Why do we get all excited but then don't finish the task? Why don't we take action when we should on key things and then do when we should not? Why do we make things harder than they need to be? Mentoring To Success takes a little big of time and a lot of discipline. If you are behind on assignments, this is a great session that will help us to get caught up. If you are all caught up then you can skip this one and move on to the next lesson immediately. ($9.95)
Being a great steward of our time and the time of others - Overview
Why do some people seem to get so much done and others do not? Why is it that those who get so much done often seem to have a lot of extra time? In todays lesson we learn how different personalities will view time in different ways and how that affects mentoring relationships. We also learn about the 3 for 1 Principle which helps us to learn how to get 3 hours for every 1 hour invested. When we learn how to be great stewards of our time and the time of people around us, we will have greater capablities to pursue all those things we are passionate about. ($9.95)
Understanding Personalities to Mentoring success - Overview
Why do some personalities like to be pushed when mentoring? Why do others like to be encouraged or given specific details. In today's session, we learned how to identify an individual's personality quickly, just by asking them a couple simple questions. We also learned how each of the four presonalities like to be mentored and how what we like might not be the best for us. As a mentor we need to also learn that we can grow as much as the person we are mentoring and so much of that can come from the understanding of personalities. Through the learning of Personality Masteries we are able to increase the effectiveness of mentoring others as well as being mentored. This one is sure to be one of your favorite sessions. ($9.95)
Introduction - Part 2 - HOPE - Power From Hurt -
(The Magic Atomic Ball Principle)
- Overview
One of the things that One of the things that seem to kill HOPE within all of us is deep hurt. Why is it that some people seem to heal quickly from hurt and others do not? How do we forgive at the deepest level? Deep, painful hurt is very much like atomic energy . . . it can be used for good/our success, or it can distroy us. This amazing, healing lesson will help us to learn how to take the hurt in our lives and turn it into positive atomic energy which will change the world in which we live. This lesson will also introduce Personality Masteries which will give us the foundation of understanding, how to mentor and how to be mentored by different personality types. Certain personalities like to be given an outline of what they need to do, others like to be just told, while others like to be inspired and motivated, and yet other individuals kind of like to discover things more on their own. When we learn how to connect with people based on their personality style we understand how to see greater success, in less time, with less effort. ($9.95)
Introduction - Part 1 - HOPE (How to have it and give it to others.)
- Overview
How important is HOPE to success? If we lose hope, we lose the will to live. Mentoring can make a defining difference to someone's life. In today's powerful lesson we will learn where hope comes from . . . a most unlikely place. We will also learn how a 9 year old discovered the Domino Principle and how a 7 year old girl was able to reveal the secret to motivation, something that world wide thought leaders had missed. HOPE, the first of five "H's" will set us up for an amazing start to Mentoring To Success. Every child . . . and really ever adult in the world should listen to the most amazingly powerful lesson. ($9.95)