C.R.E.W. with Donyetta Jenkins
Chicago's Remarkable Entreprenuers Worldwide - Group of teenagers interested in bein in business for themselves taking on the steps needed to start.
How To Be An Amazing Dad
What are some great ideas to be a great dad, mom or even human being?  Who do I get all the things done as a mom that I have on my plate?  How do I become more consistent and more committed?
Levels of Coaching
Handling Stress - Time - Conflict
There is good stress and bad stress.  Do we know the difference?
Learning Faster - Profitable Networking
How do we ask the questions to engage people in profitable networking?
How To Better Use Time
Unlimited Bandwidth . . . the power learning to control our time rather than having it control us.
As a 17 year old young man how do I earn $1,000 a month?
How do we decide what products / services to offer in starting a business?
How to be Mentally Tough and Soft At Heart
How do I figure out what I want to do in my life?
General Open Session
What Is Truth . . .
How does truth or a lack of truth help or hurt us?
Own a company = Freedom
How do we build a successful company which will help us to achieve our dreams and our goals?
How To Bounce Back From Disappointment
Mark Boersma shares who he struggled through college and kept going after a great
deal of disappointment set backs.
What Happens When We Break Social Norms?
Have you ever had a fear of strangers?
How Do I Deal With Being Overwhelmed?
What happens with life gives us so much that we just aren't able to keep up?
General Session


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