Work LESS - Contracting Work Out . . . Leverage Passions Of Others

Is there a secret to working less hours?
Why do we often do things we don't like to do?
How do we best get others to do things we shouldn't be doing?

One of the most important thing for any business owner is to get others to do things we are currently doing. When we learn to do this we will not only earn a lot more money but we'll work less hours, have less stress and have greater life balance as well.

Learning how to contract with E-VA - Executive Virtual Assistants who are certified in specific areas of expertise is the secret to seeing success in this area.

Think about it . . . how many of your business customers would be interested in this topic? Hmmmm, probably ALL OF THEM! Do you think it would probably be a good idea to pass this along to every business owner you know?

Billie Marketing
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Jon In business, markerting and organization; in life productivity
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Matthew Managing employees while at the same time executing many of the tasks. Frustration - devoting time and effort into new hire training vs. turnover
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Howard Creating a good marketing message None on File Click Here
Mary 1. Running the factory from afar.
2. Improvement in the sales staff and getting them to their goal each month
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