Area 3: The Sale
Level 1: Ask Key Questions
Have you ever invested a lot of time, money and effort into generating hiring leads, screened the applicant, interviewed, and did everything up to closing the applicant on going with your company . . . and they they said "No." Actually this happens in most businesses and that can cost a company millions of dollars, over time, in not know how to ask the best questions to position the applicant to say "Yes." How will we ever achieve the company's vision if we don't close down the applicant? The simple answer is we will not. As a simple rule of thumb, "If an applicant says "That's a great question, three times, they will most likely join your company. It's the questions that do much more of the closing rather than many of the other things we think will convince someone to join out team. What can be learned in xx minutes? This lesson will set the foundation for what every sale is based on . . . asking the right great questions. xx minutes of Q&A will help you to connect this lesson to every other aspect of your business. ($197) Weekly group coaching support included in pricing. Thursday's - 218.862.7200 - Access Code: 473678 // webinar: - 8 am (pdt), 9 am (mdt), 10 am (cdt), and 11 am (edt) email any questions to and then attend the group coaching session. ($197)
What is your Life Vision?
10 Months Recruiting Masteries