
How could such a short clip change your year?

Get a small taste of the power at these events, then come check us out and get the value in person yourself!

Speed Networking

Ever had a networking event that blew your mind?

Find your next possible partner and meet some of our participants here

Wins and Biggest Challenges
(Peter Schmitz)

How can your story attract others?

Find your voice and story and help others do the same.

Personality Masteries
(Kevin King)

How can a different approach increase your sales?

Transform your selling process by considering the audience and building better relationships. >READ MORE>>

5/30 Grid (Mark Elkins)

How do you avoid losing your most profitable clients?

Grow your profitable client base by learning how to offer value beyond the standard. >READ MORE>>

DNA for Life / Natural Laws
(Kevin King)

How can the cluster principle grow my business?

What are natural laws and how can even one take me to the next level?

Q & A

What will you do with all of this information?

Take a moment to internalize this.  Bring it back to your business.  See results.








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