Business Xray Testimonials

Dear Synergy,

I wanted to share something . . . that will probably be very challenging to put into words. A few months ago I started on ActionVision coaching, not fully sure of what I was looking for.  I am a CPA with a very successful practice of many years and, well, I think I had just lost the fun I use to have.

The assessment of both myself and my business was AMAZING .  The life/ business plan put me on the right path and the coaching . . . I don’t want to be too dramatic, but honestly I think it has CHANGED MY LIFE. I'm excited, motivated and more passionate than ever!  I wonder, if a lot of business owners, like myself, after a number of decades of doing something that we really do love and make a great income, just kind of, over time lose the spark. 

What's interesting is that it seems like a number of my clients are coming to me in the same place AND NOW, I have an answer for them.  Not only do I feel an intense life purpose, with the discover of my own personal Life Vision, but with the systems, tools, and networks I have now developed in just a few months I can see so many opportunities that I never saw before.

I can see now clearly, my life vision, how that life vision connects into others around me . . . and how that is going to help me to impact a lot more people through Profitable Partnerships.  In that impact I make in the lives of others I can see how my already strong income will skyrocket, how I can get my business to run without me and how I can take my life's experiences, write a book, have a lot more fun and don things I really do enjoy.

I know that most CPA's may not be known for their energy, excitement and enthusiasm . . . but this one is and I wanted to thank you from the deepest part of my heart.

Thank you!

Randy Eikermann
Eikermann & Assocciates, LLC

Have you ever experienced a great deal of success . . . but still knew, deep down, that you were not anywhere close to achieving your full potential?

We as co-owners knew this, but were unsure of what specific actions we needed to take to achieve our full potential. When we saw the 5/30 Grid we could tell that someone had done a lot of work to simplify the very complex parts of a business into a simple to understand business operating system. After we completed the complementary 30 minute interview/strategy session, we didn’t even need to think about taking the next step of the Business X-Ray !

We were surprised by the low cost of the x-ray and how thorough it was. It pinpointed precisely where our personal strengths and weaknesses were through the simplest assessment we have ever seen, and set the foundation for precisely how we could increase our sales by 79%. We were amazed by how quickly things moved. If a company only did the Business X-Ray they would learn so much as a result of just doing that. We decided to move very quickly to do more and have a Level 2 ActionVision completed on our behalf. This was turned around so fast that we started implementation that very same day. Twenty-four hours later we had a detailed survey for our employees which evaluated each one of their personalities, their strengths, and weaknesses. It asked for their input on leadership and how we might be able to better assist them in reaching their full potential, which directly connects back to us increasing our sales by 79%. In all the years we have been in business we have never seen a process that was so simple while being so thorough and so quick to implement. We're wondering if we should raise our goals even higher.
Jerry Hays & David Vaughan -
(281) 376-4781


Amy Bendigkeit-Koenig & Strey/GMAC
Check it out: . It truly helps me mobilize my ideas.

Synergy also offers a variety of other products including stay-in-touch systems.

Call Mark Boersma, President of Synergy Solutions, fax # 630-393-9901. Mark can give you more information, and help you put together a package for your office. (I'm happy to treat you to your own Business X-ray if you like! I am offering a Business X-ray to my top referral sources for the New Year, as a value added service.)

Amy Bendigkeit

Bryon Swanson-Cherry Creek Mortgage

Mark, how’s life? Just wanted to follow up and make sure you did receive my Nov. results and scoring, and wondering when you would like to schedule my next review.

And some EXCITING news, things are starting to click amongst all the changes. One of the Business X-rays has just produced 47 potential NEW leads-that’s exciting?? The realtor is introducing me to his partner on Wed. the 20th. Another realtor has just sent me three new leads this week due to her excitement from the Business X-ray Hmmmm, maybe I should plan more vacations...

Anyway, hope to hear from you soon and thanks for your help.


Greg Aichlmayr-GMAC Mortgage
Dear Mr. Boersma,
Thank you for changing my business LIFE ! You have managed to evaluate my business health in a very short time ! That in itself deserves notice.

Your help did not stop there. You had the courage to look at my business and tell me what was working and what was not working. Once you identified my strengths and weaknesses Synergy Solutions coached me to strengthen my business. Your words of wisdom were followed by words for action.

I received my personal Business X-ray on August 1, 2000. I didn't take any action on enriching my business with the suggestions from my Business X-ray until September. I did my first Business X-ray with a professional referral source on Sept. 9 th . In the month of September I generated 54 leads from working the ActionVision plan. In addition, I increased my personal client contacts by 44. That is 98 leads I generated in the first month of following my personal Action Plan you helped me develop.

I could stop my association with the Synergy Solutions today and with a pure conscious say that you helped me more with by business then the thousands of dollars I have spent over my eight year career on training and motivational speakers. But as you know I have no intension of stopping my association with your team. I have just begun to unleash the potential of my business and I look forward to you being a part of that success.

Make it a great day!

To your success,
Greg Aichlmayr


Forrest Cambell-Monterey Bay Mortgage

I want to thank you again for introducing me to Mark Boersma and his company Synergy Solutions at the convention in Anaheim. Since my initial meeting with Mark, I have been able to implement many changes in my business that I have wanted to make for a lon
g time and now have an actual plan to increase my income and shorten the number of hours I spend at the office.

ynergy Solutions is a GREAT membership benefit that I would encourage all of our members to try it out. The Business X-ray tool is an amazing way to determine the health of your business and understand where you need to make changes to increase your profitability. I am also using the advanced ActionVision plan (with its coaching) to develop powerful systems that will work for me (even when I am not here) and increase my income by at least $100,000.

The discounts made to CAMB members by Synergy Solutions is a valuable benefit on its own and certainly pays the price of a CAMB membership. But with the actual tools, operating and marketing plans that Synergy Solutions offers to increase your income, makes this membership benefit awesome!

Thank you again for all your help getting Synergy Solutions as part of our member benefits. It truly is a benefit.

Forrest Cambell


Debra MacGregor-GMAC Mortgage

Hey! Thanks for all your e-mails. I truly do appreciate them and I am working on my time management.
I have called all my x-rays. Scott Bacon has mailed 10 leads to me per his assistant but I haven’t received them yet.Terry said she mailed them to me last Fri. which probably means Monday. I am diligently using the 30c forms. Just talked to Chris Udell-he is FIRED up ! He is soooo excited about your program as am I. Received your requests for actionvision-working on it. Picked out my photo today-will have it by next Tues. and airborned by Thurs. 1-10 you're a TEN! Stay happy,stay focused, stay on US! 

Tom Ninness-Cherry Creek Mortgage

This is the note from the builder that I told you about. What started out as a total “brush off,”I don’t have a lot of time and I am very loyal to my current lender”, ended with 50 leads and a commitment to do business X-Ray.

All this because of a few simple tools that help people INCREASE their income and LOWER the number of hours they work. This is almost too easy !   After my presentation, it turned out that she wasn't that loyal after all. It was more like "What have my lenders really done for me lately."

Tom Ninness, Branch Manager,
Cherry Creek Mortgage

I just wanted to express my sincere thanks for a job well done. The X-rays you did on the potential referral sources attending my marketing seminar were helpful in several ways.

First, it provided enormous insight into the needs, desires, and perceptions of the group prior to the meeting. That advantage allowed me to direct my resources and suggestions to those issues.

Second, it created an increased level of interest and expectation .

Third, it was a very credible way to demonstrate our commitment to increasing their business and improving their life.

And finally, by encouraging them to follow up with you and use your tools to synergistically (pardon the expression) complement our tools, I know we’ll reap the benefits of their increased business as you reinforce their relationship with CNI! The meeting was very successful, and I genuinely appreciate your assistance. Clearly, we'll continue this strategy for other seminars.

The more I use the X-rays, the more I see the power and potential of the tool. It's truly a multifunction tool - a manager's "Leatherman." Let's talk more about its use in recruiting loan officers and referral sources as well as the process of further developing the business strategies of these individuals. Furthermore, I'd appreciate your suggestions on how to better integrate our overall marketing strategies with regard to the insight we gain from the X-rays.

Thanks again. Let's talk soon.

Stan Lambert

Brad Schauer-CAMB North Bay

I used $300 on Synergy Solutions, Inc. Business X-ray by being a member of CAMB. I’m looking at increasing my business income 5x with the help of Synergy Solutions Business plan and appreciate the initial discount by being associated by CAMB.

Brad Schauer




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