What is your Life Vision?

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Improve Pressure Points . . . - Overview

When we know our numbers we're able to more quickly determine if the actions we are taking are producing the desired results. This power packed lesson helps us to building on "Tracking 100% of Leads" and "Implementing 10+ Strategic Strike." When we measure the quantity and quality of activity we are able to determine very quickly if/how something is, or is not working. This helps us to make modifications much faster i.e. see success in less time with less effort.



Cornerstone of the 5/30 Grid . . . - Overview

Have you ever thought you really knew and understood something, only to realize at a later point that you did not have near the deep understanding that you thought you did? In today's session we go through the cornerstone six boxes and drill deeper with specific questions as to how do we really implement the 5/30 Grid in the most effective way. ($19.95)



$25,000 sale just as a result of asking the right questions?

John came to this session ready to do roll playing and determine what he needed to do to do a better job in asking key questions. What were the results? A $25,000 sale directly from what he learned in today's session. We so often do not practice scripting enough and as a result we fail to master our scripts and lose money without ever even knowing it. ($19.95)



Leadership Section added to 5/30 Grid

Have you ever felt that you were missing something great but just wasn't sure what it was? We discovered the deep understanding of Leadership within the 5/30 Grid which reveals the heart, the soul, the passion to success. We also cover nicely how to ask for referrals in a specific way. There are many revenue triangles throughout the entire 5/30 Grid just waiting to be discovered. Integrate the Marketing Model into the 5/30 Grid and some amazing magic happens. ($19.95)



Dollar Results Marketing - Part 1

Wow . . . What a way to finish strong with the six levels of Marketing + Personality Masteries. We will take all that we've learned and this will be the grand finally which has so much packed into it that there needed to be two part series to fit it all in. Learn how Dollar Results Marketing is actually more about bringing all the other four areas together as it is about strong marketing. The NEXT Dimension Principle along with "What's Holding Us Back" how do we Break Free are just some of the other great things we learn in this lesson. ($29.95)


4 Types/Levels Of Coaching To See Success

Do all the pieces of the 5/30 Grid really connect together? How? This session is an amazing session as it helps us to understand how each of the 30 boxes in the 5/30 Grid all do play nicely together. We'll also learn how to take the Pressure Point Analysis and understand the details of taking the right actions in the right way over the right period of time. ($19.95)



The 5/30 Grid . . . Connecting The Dots

Do all the pieces of the 5/30 Grid really connect together? How? This session is an amazing session as it helps us to understand how each of the 30 boxes in the 5/30 Grid all do play nicely together. We'll also learn how to take the Pressure Point Analysis and understand the details of taking the right actions in the right way over the right period of time. ($19.95)


How important is vision to our success?

Imagine . . . having all those around you having their vision connected directly into your vision! The first step is to discover our own vision. In this lesson we share clear steps on how to discover our own vision and then help others around us do the same. Once everyone has discovered their own life vision then we can connect them all together into one central vision. Having this vision is critical to the follow through with the cornerstone lessons in the 5/30 Grid. What does the NEXT Dimension Principle have to do with our life vision and achieving our full potential? We'll learn that in this powerful lesson that you will want to share with others. ($19.95)



Drilling deep in saving time through Box 6: Group People & Messages

OK . . . this one may get overwhelming (in a good way) really quick as we learn how Box 6: Group People & Message connects so perfectly into all the other boxes within the 5/30 Grid. We'll also look to further understand and apply The NEXT Dimension Principle to accomplish more in less time and break free of all those fears which may be holding us back. Great session for the whole team to go through together. ($19.95)



Corner Stone Lessons for the 5/30 Grid

So . . . how are you doing on nailing those six cornerstone boxes for the 5/30 Grid? When we get those six boxes rock solid we will earn more money and work a lot less hours. SEE - UNDERSTAND and DO Principle helps us to do this faster and to get everyone on our team moving in the right direction, together, at the right time. We also review over Box 2: Develop & Deliver A Message and present a check list which will help your marketing copy to produce more and better leads. ($19.95)



Group People & Messages

Do you ever feel like you are working a lot harder than you need to and not producing as strong results as you could be? One of the most effective ways to save time is Box 6 - Group People & Message together. What is interesting is that most business professionals do not really understand the importance of what is being taught in this box and how much more money could be made and how less effort could produce more results based on the organization of one's database. A great look at how Box 6 also connects so deeply into all the other boxes within the 5/30 Grid. ($19.95)

Implement Strategic 10+ Strike

When we have a system in place where every lead gets followed up for life, it will make a huge difference in our business. What is the fastest way for most companies to double their profit? If we improve our sales closing ratio by just closing 1 more lead out of 10, we can often increase our profits by 200% to 300%. When we have a system which touches our prospects weekly for ten weeks and then forever, we will convert more leads with a whole lot less effort. Box 5 is one of the most challenging for a company to build and one of the most important and profitable. Advanced group coaching session also covers a lot of other questions as it relates to full integration for all 30 boxes within the 5/30 Grid. ($19.95)


Ask Key Questions

Do you know why people buy from you? When we ask the right questions, magic happens between us and the prospect. Most people think it's because they are an amazing sales person, or maybe it's because we have a great product or service, or maybe we have a great price. While all those things are great, the reason people buy from you and are impressed by you, is the questions you ask. If someone says "That's a great question!" three times, the general rule is they will buy anything from you. There is a science to asking great questions and we will talk, in detail today, on how to best learn how to do that. We will also share in more details how this box connects into many of the other boxes in the 5/30 Grid which adds power to our entire Business Operating System. ($19.95)


Partnering with other business for mutual benefit

Having challenges fully implementing the 5/30 Grid and all that goes along with it? In today's session, we focus on the cornerstone Boxes, 1, 2, and 3. How do we develop a message that is so powerful that it causes more people to "Raise their hands" to take action and move forward? How do we take Box 13, "Why Prospects Are Lost" and feed that invaluable data into Box 12 - "Feed Successes back into 1, 2, and 3)" and then take that magic and fully integrate that into Boxes 2, 5, and 8. This is a session which has helped others to make some amazing break throughs in their business. ($19.95)



Partnering with other business for mutual benefit

Box 2: Marketing - Develop & Deliver A Message - When we use a marketing check list we will see greater success. Learn how to be a great communicator to everyone in our database. We'll also take a look ahead in figuring out how to take Boxes 3 and 4 and bring all the pieces together in an amazing way. ($19.95)


Partnering with other business for mutual benefit

Box 1: Marketing - Identify Targets: How does a printer partner with other professionals and really take their business to the next level of success without adding costs, time, or people? In this session, we look at how a printer and a real estate professional from different states can assist one another in growing their businesses together. We'll also take a look at our business pipeline and work to identify how we can best build all the pipes to be the same size. ($19.95)


Great Sales Coaching/Mentoring Session

Tom Kunz, past President of CENTURY 21 shared that he thought this was one of the best pre-sales and sales training he has ever been a part of. This session covers all aspects of sales and if you take just even one idea from this powerful session it could double your income and change the way you do business forever. ($19.95)



Review . . . how are we all doing with building our databases?

Have you found that it is so much easier to learn something than to DO it? In today's session, we received an update on how printers are doing in building their databases and getting into position to do the same thing with their business clients. Think about the potential if we're able to control and/or influence the database of all of our business clients. Would our clients see greater success? Would they make more money from the money they put into printing? If they make more money from what they invest into print, will they invest more into print? ($9.95)


Helping printers become marketing/sales solutions providers.

It's interesting when we change our focus/perspective on how that can change our businesses forever. If we are a print vendor we are taking money from our clients and hoping that they make money as a result of what they invest into printing. If we are a marketing/sales solution provider, we are partnering with our clients to provide solutions that DO MAKE THEM MONEY! Which would you like to be? Which type of printer will have higher profit margins? Which will make more money? Being a marketing/sales solution provider will help you produce more printing opportunities. ($19.95)


PURL's - Focus Group - Week 5 - How to handle a new lead

So . . . you have invested a lot of time, energy, and money into building a database (Marketing - Box 1), into developing and delivering a message (Marketing Box 2), into tracking all the leads (Pre-Sales Box 3), now what? This lesson is an advanced 5/30 lesson and drills very deep into three levels of questions to ask prospects to help increase our ability to close the prospect. We learn that people buy mostly not because of the great solution/presentation we give but due to the great questions we ask. Secret questions are revealed which took over 20 years to discover which will set us apart from our competition. What does this have to do with PURLS? If you generate 50 leads from PURL campaign and don't know the best questions to ask, you may only convert 2 or 3 of the 50 leads. Know the right questions and it can jump to 10, 20, or even more. ($39.95 for the rebroadcast which will be donated to Life Masteries Institute to help young people all around the world.)


PURL's - Focus Group - Week 4 - Getting our database set up

Getting a strong database will help us to double our income, reduce the number of hours we work, reduce our stress, and improve our life balance. Most companies do not do a good job in having strong policies and procedures in place. This lessons gives a great foundation for what some of those policies/procedures should look like. We cover 3 Levels for Area 1: Marketing within the 5/30 Grid. All three are equally important. If we are missing just one of the three it will render the other two mostly useless. Great Q&A time about how to market PURLS, bring so much value to clients that they keep coming back and referring more people to us. ($19.95 for the rebroadcast which will be donated to Life Masteries Institute to help young people all around the world.)


PURL's - Focus Group / Master Mind - Week 3

What's the secret to the next generation of PURL technology, profitability, and success? Believe it or not, it has very little to do with the actual technology. The secret is the knowledge base behind making money, creating financial return/success for all those who use PURLS. Most printers/businesses do not have the deep understanding and knowledge of how to build a database, group/segment that database, write copy to get those in the group/database to raise their hands, pursue those leads in the right way, close the sale, and then service the client with such expertise that the client will see so much profitability with the PURL that it only make sense to do it again. We saw the check list of 10 things needed to write great copy and go everything in position to send out emails to promote the offering of PURLS. ($19.95 for the rebroadcast which will be donated to Life Masteries Institute to help young people all around the world.)


PURL's - Focus Group / Master Mind - Week 2

Great discussion today about what were some of the big picture things that needed to be done, what everyone wanted in PURL's, the importance of have a system and having discipline for printing companies as well as any business using PURL's. Assignment of getting Box 1 of the 5/30 Grid in Identifying Targets, getting a database up and going. We will have Box 2: Develop & Deliver A Message ready for next week. Will have a plan for next week as well. Will start to actually run a PURL with some of the master mind members and will track that entire effort and automate/record video for training for that entire process. This will get the training/mentoring system in place to help end users/clients of PURL's to understand their role in the success of the PURL. ($19.95 for the rebroadcast which will be donated to Life Masteries Institute to help young people all around the world.)



PURL's - Focus Group / Master Mind - Week 1

Are you looking for new and exciting ways to generate more and better leads? What happens if we learn to generate more leads but then aren't able to close those leads into clients? PURL (Personal URL's) like any marketing tool is only as good as we have and then follow a system to generate leads, close the sale, and then service clients in such a way that they come back again and refer others to us. The 1st session of the focus group for PURL has individuals who have used PURL's for themselves as well as selling PURL's to other businesses. It's a great introduction to PURL's and some great input, dialog, questions, and vision casting for the next generation of PURL's. ($19.95 for the rebroadcast which will be donated to Life Masteries Institute to help young people all around the world.)

PURL's - Focus Group / Master Mind
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