8. NEXT Steps
OK . . . we've done Step 1: Examination of the 3 Steps To Success.  Step 2: Solutions and Step 3: Implementation tends to be a lot more challenging.

The Business X-Ray is one of the best assessments in the world for business owners so you're off to a great start.  Congratulations!  The better the assessment the the more likely we will find the best solution and the better the solution the more likely we will follow through on that solution to achieve our dreams and goals.

When we are determine our "Best Solution" we need to consider first and foremost probably what financial and time commitments we are able to make.  Most business owners tend to have either more time or more money to invest.  If we don't have time or money that is a very difficult situation to be in and can take a long time and a lot of pain to get through.

The TOUGH TRUTH!   Please DO NOT take personal offense to the following.  If you are lacking in TIME or MONEY do you know why?  The TOUGH TRUTH is that it's because we're not getting a good return on whatever time and money we're investing back into our business.  

If we have more MONEY than time, then we're getting a good return on the money that we invest into our business which then produces more money.  The good news in that situation is that . . . while money does not buy happiness :-), it does buy other people's time and talents.  When we know how to properly invest our money into bringing on the time and talents of the right people, we will gain more TIME.  

If we have more TIME than money then we're probably not investing our money very well but may be investing our time well.  When we invest our time into the right things we will gain more time.  This is the application of The Secret About Time and the 3 for 1 Principle .  When we learn to take our time and better turn our time into money we'll have more money.  

Now . . . if we don't have TIME or MONEY that honestly means we're probably not good stewards of our time / money or that of others either.  While this is the TOUGH TRUTH is probably is the truth and if we accept that truth then we can learn how to gain more of both.  If we become defensive, angry or upset then we will stay in our current dimension in all areas of life.


There are Basic Solutions, Intermediate Solutions and Advanced Solutions.  Work with the individual and mastermind group you are a part of and they will help you to determine which solution is best for you and then help you implement it.

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