What are the strengths/weaknesses for the amiable personality? What drives us/them? Why do we/they make the decisions we/they make? In this lesson, we'll learn how how to better understand the amiable personality, what motivates them, why they make the decisions they do, how to work with them, understand them, sell to them, manage them, understand them as a leader, and even learn how to take their gifts/strengths and apply them to our lives. If we are the amiable personality we will learn more about ourselves, what makes us tick, how we can take our concern for people and leverage that for even greater success while not being taken advantage of. We will also learn how to improve setting the right boundaries, using conflict to improve relationships, and being more willing to speak our mind and share out thoughts and feelings. ($19.95)
Relationships | Time Management | Stop Procrastination | Closing the Sale | Parenting |
Have More and Better Relationships |
Have More Time for Relationships |
Learn How Not to be Taken Advantage of |
The Relationship Sale |
Better Relationships With our Children |