Level 4 :Measure Results + Personality Masteries
Full Session

Did you know that if you invest just a little more time into watching details and measuring results that we can work a lot less hours? Imagine . . . having the systems in place which will measure our marketing efforts in such a way that we know quickly what is working, why, and what we need to do to generate more and better leads! When we combine the 5/30 Grid with Personality Masteries we learn how each of the different personality types brings special and unique gifts to the table which help us to look at numbers/stats in a whole new way. We will see how those number affect the bottom line profit, how those numbers can create more fun for our clients/those around us, and how numbers can actually improve relationships as well. This lesson will change the way you see numbers/stats. ($49.95)



What is your Life Vision?

3. Process

Area 1: Marketing
Level 4: Measure Results

Tom Kunz, past President of CENTURY 21 says that this is one of his favorite lessons in the 5/30 Grid. It really bothered Tom a lot when any one of his 140,000+ agents in over 70 countries did not know their numbers. He had some choice words for them. If you think you know your numbers really well, be prepared to learn some great things in this 35 minute lesson. If you don't know your numbers, you'll learn the importance of changing your ways in the lesson and the 25 minutes of Q&A. ($19.95)










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