Click On a LessonLesson 1: 3 Steps To AnythingLesson 2: 4 Steps To Great Leadership Lesson 3: 5 T's To StewardshipsLesson 4: Areas To Business 5/30 Grid - Have you shared the 5/30 Grid with other professionals you know? It will hep them and will help you as well. If you want to listen to how another client is using the 5/30 Grid in their business check out the following videos:Part 1 - 12 Minutes - How one company is using the 5/30 Grid to ChangePart 2 - 27 MinutesLesson 5: 6 Steps Tp Drilling & Maintaining an Oil Well Lesson 6: ActionVision as a Tool Lesson 7: Execution
A. Importance
A farmer will not gain the benefit of a large yield without strong planning. The same thing is true in life. It's often said “To fail to plan is a plan to fail.”
Natural Laws govern the universe and when we use natural laws to build sky scrapers, we get a building, exactly as we expected.
The same thing is true with planning. We need to understand the natural laws which govern planning as well as people, processes, tasks, groups, projects, and networks.
Once we learn these natural laws we have the ability to go into any situation with great confidence and succeed in anything we set our hears and minds to do.
Having a huge Life Vision is a wonderful gift . . . as long as we have the ability to fulfill that vision.
Napoleon Hill says “What ever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”
The secret is conception and belief. When we have both of t hose we are looking for solutions. We are seeking them knowing that these things will be revealed to us if we're great stewards of all that we have been given.
To really master “Planning” we need to master probably around 30 natural laws and be familiar with over 100. We need to master Personality Masteries as every planning exercise involves human beings.
The larger your Life Vision the greater requirement there is that you master the natural laws, have the right network, have the right systems and tools.
When we're building a house one of the first things we need to do is set the vision for what we want the house to be/do.
Once we have the vision we then flesh out, in detail, the plan to accomplish the desired outcome.
Once we have the plan we need to bring in the right people, tools, and materials to accomplish the plan.
When we dig the foundation we could do it with a spoon, our hands, a shovel, or a back hoe. We could do the work ourselves or we could hire it done.
The advantage of hiring it done is that there is a strong possibility that in the end, when we have an expert do the work, it will get done better, with less money, and faster than if we did it ourselves.
This is true also with planning. While all of us need to learn how to do planning having experts, individuals that have the training, the resources, and the tools to do it the more likely we are to get the desired outcome.
The challenge is that “anyone can plan” so everyone often think they can do it. Most have never really experienced true deep planning so we often do not have anything to compare our work to. We think we do a pretty good job, because we aren't comparing it to someone who really knows what they are doing.
The Vision Project has embraced the best of the best from world wide thought leaders to present proven planning processes, tools, and systems.
When you look at a nation of people who have been devastated over hundreds of years what nation do you think of?
While there are many nations the one that often comes to mind is the Jewish nation.
Think about it. They have had their entire existence threatened many times and yet have seen so much success.
There are probably many reasons but one strong reason is how they help others, both within the own people as well as outside.
They have found that by helping others, others will help us. In their adversity, they have been made strong.
When we are willing to help anyone, everyone, of every age, race, and type of person, we are helped far more than we ever could help others.
The most generous people, nations are the one's that have been blessed the most.
Learning the 5 H's is one of the most powerful laws to great planning as it deals deeply with the deep inner heart/mind and soul of people who we will be working with.
The 5 th “H” is HELP and we learn with this natural law that actually most of the learning that is done is done by the teacher who is helping others.
Willingly giving freely to others from what we have learned is like empting our knowledge bowl.
It seems like, when we do this, that we not only get the bowl filled with new knowledge but also receive a larger bowl as well.
Very Powerful!
Know your priorities in life and then apply those to every situation each day. |
Hard work ethic |
Help others reach beyond their dreams | |
Honesty | |
Integrity | |
Focus | |
Loyalty | |
Value for your effort | |
Who are your customers? | |
Your vision for your life | |
How to fit your vision into other key individuals | |
Can't is not spoken here. | |
- Congruency between people | |
- Ideal pleasure to obtain the best results | |
- Take personal responsibility. | |
- The box rule | |
- Value what we are good at based on our personality. | |
- Risk and Return Principle | |
- Goals vs. Commitments Principle | Goals are objectives we strive for; it's acceptable not to reach them if we have good reason. We must follow through on our commitments, however, no matter what. If we don't follow through with our commitments, our integrity should be challenged. |
- McDonalds/Pepsi Principle | Tell a client something, and then tell them what you told them, then tell them again, and start the process all over again. |
- Big Mac Principle | Duplicate the things you do well or that get great results. |
- Good & Bad Choices Principle | |
- Kindling/Little Log Principle | When we build relationships, sell, or start a company, we need to start with little logs to kindle the fire. Individuals often put big logs on the fire and expect them to burn without providing kindling. If you want to get a raging fire in the shortest amount of time, don't start with a huge log; start with little twigs and gradually build up from there. |
- Shrapnel/Fertilizer Principle | (I love it! Can't wait to see where this one goes.) |
- Extra Mile Principle | A little extra effort gets very big results. |
- Bury your dead; don't carry them! | |
- Delayed Gratification Principle | |
- Calibration Principle | |
- Hot Zone Principle | Principles of the extremes. (You will land some accounts no matter what, and some you won't no matter what; what's in between is critical.) |
- Power of Believing Principle | ("I'm The [Your] Man" Principle?) We are capable of whatever we believe we can do. Positive attitudes bring about positive actions. ("I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.") |
- Unreachable Star Principle |
Wanting what we cannot have. |
- Principle of Ownership | We care more for what we own. What we own, we take for granted; what we want, we work for. |
- Natural Law of Productivity | People are built to be productive. The more we produce the greater we feel about ourselves. |
- Submitting to Authority |
Authorities in our lives are placed their by God for our benefit. When we learn to properly submit to those in authority God will reward us. |
- TAR Principle (of Tenacity) |
Time Invested, Action Accomplished, Results Achieved. |
- 3 D Principle | Dedication, Discipline, Determination. |
- 120% Living Principle | You can live debt-free and have a 20% higher standard of living. |
- Bull In a China Shop Principle | Be careful when you push the wall over. |
- Cause and Effect Principle | We are responsible for our actions, not results. Stewardship area. |
- Reality-Based Thinking Principle | Getting out in front of reality. |
- Neglected Sliver Principle | It's only something small. So is a sliver, but we want it out fast to prevent infection. |
- Displacement (Glass) Principle | We only have so much time/capacity to do things. A glass can only hold so much, so make sure to fill it with the right things. |
- Domino Principle | One choice (action) leads to a consequence, and that consequence causes many other consequences. |
- Two Oxen Principle | 2 oxen will do the work of 100 oxen, not of two. |
- Atmospheric Explosion Principle | (Combustion Principle?) Going 60 miles an hour will never get us out of the atmosphere. We must have an explosion of energy in a short period of time to accomplish the goal. or Atmospheric Principle |
- Delayed Results Principle | Plant today and the harvest will come--not today or even tomorrow, but some time in the future. |
- Finish Line Principle | If you see only 1% of results on your actions now, just wait. In many situations, the majority of the results do not come until the finish line. |
- Separation by Six Principle | We are only six people away from knowing everyone in the whole world. |
- Thinker vs. Doer Principle | People have a tendency to be either thinkers or doers. There is a time to think and a time to do. We need to discern what is best in any specific situation. |
- Thankful/Proud Principle | Pride seems to be rooted in thinking we are better than someone else because of something we did. True thankfulness will eliminate pride because the good we are capable of is the result of others' investment in our lives. |
- Beam Me Up Scotty Principle | Back off when you think you see a major fault in someone else because it may be your own fault reflecting back at you. |
- Practiced Perfection Principle | We usually don't like performing a task because we don't feel we are good at it. If we aren't good at something, we need to do it more often to become comfortable and proficient at it. |
- Bowling Strike Principle | Just as getting multiple strikes in bowling in a row is better than several strikes spread out throughout the game, it is important to consistently get all the great actions completed month after month rather than sporadically. |
- Trickle Principle | We didn't get to where we are overnight; we're probably not going to change overnight. Quick changes typically don't last. Make a little change every day and great success will follow. |
- Satellite / Fertilizer Principle | Farmers use satellites to identify the makeup of the soil and then apply the proper amount of fertilizer for maximum crop yield. |
- Moldy Strawberry Principle | If one moldy strawberry sits in a bunch, it will turn all the strawberries bad. If we have one bitter client or bitter employee, it will create bitterness throughout the whole team. |
- Warm Belly Rub Principle | Story of changing baby's diaper. It shouldn't just be done based on the mechanics; we need to keep the baby warm, give him a hug, and rub his belly. The same thing is true in business; we need to teach people how to give the warm belly rubs, not just the mechanics. |
- Pool Shot Principle | Just like any good pool (billiards) player, one must set up the next six shots. Anyone that is looking to accomplish one thing will accomplish just that - one thing. (Positioning) |
- Car Made On Friday Principle | People will tell you NOT to buy a car that is made on a Friday because everyone is looking toward the weekend and you don't know what you'll get. Many professionals are just like people who work the assembly line in that they take their eyes off the important task at hand and end up missing huge opportunities both professionally and personally. When we're working, we need total focus on work; when we are playing, we should be all there; and when spending time with family, focus completely on them. |
- Space Shuttle Principle | It takes 80% of the shuttle's energy to get out of the atmosphere, which is only a very small fraction of the time in space travel. The same thing is true in life. With most objectives of great value, it takes 80% to break through the atmosphere, and once we do that, it takes very little effort to maintain. |
- Invisible Factor Principle | In business, life, and relationships it’s the hidden factor that is often the one which is most important. If we aren’t willing to actively seek truth, be very observant, or ask the hard questions we will often miss the most important factor in any given situation. This factor is often the difference between success and “failure” in any given situation. |
- Assembly line versus Craftsman principle | Sales professional, business owners, and entrepreneurs will often run their business like craftsman. They do everything themselves just to make sure that everything is done the right way. They are very skilled in all the smallest details and know who they all fit together. Assembly line thinking individuals build businesses which can run without them and can be sold. It’s almost impossible to sell or run a craftsman business without the craftsman. By putting all the smallest steps of the process into an assembly line it will produce maximum productivity, quality, at the lowest possible investment to your customers. |
- Pyramid Building Leadership Principle | If you’re building a pyramid and you don’t have your base strong you’re going to fail. It’s like this in building an organization as well. If the base people aren’t doing their jobs they you won’t be able to build upward. Leadership needs wisdom to hire the good people, help to train and mentor them to be great, and then know when to expect greatness, and how much to expect from them. People must do their jobs they can’t have people above them continuing to come back and do their jobs for them. |
- Success through starving family principle | If you want a division, product, or service to be successful assign it to someone whose family will starve if they aren’t successful. You can have a great product which will fail because you don’t have someone like this in-charge and you can have a mediocre product or service which will succeed and become great over time due to having someone’s family at risk. |
- Spinning of plates principle | It’s fairly easy in life to get one or two plates spinning, but to get a dozen or more plates is another thing, and yet and even greater accomplishment in life is to keep them all spinning consistently. One of the greatest feelings and accomplishments in life is helping to teach others how to keep the great things in their lives spinning consistently which produces excellence in all areas of life. |
- The Humming bird principle | For many years science could not figure our how a humming bird could fly. It was impossible based on the science of the day. One of the most exciting things in life is to understand truth as it relates to cause and affects. The following formula was developed based on many natural laws all combined together to produce predictable success in all areas of our lives. |
- The Law of Large Numbers | Almost anything can be predicted if you have a large enough population. Large insurance companies can predict when we’re going to die based on the law of large numbers. Large companies have an advantage over small companies because small companies have a hard time getting a large enough population. |
- Incongruent Valuation | Based on our personalities which will give us natural giftedness and strengths we tend to overvalue those things we’re good at and undervalue those things we’re weak at. This is a huge liability as it causes us to not see truth but to be deceived in not really seeing were we’re at in work, relationships, or friendship. It will also cause us to miss read others and not be able to build as strong as friendship and relationships as we will not value and/or show value to those who are around us. |
- Caught-in-the-middle | No matter how effective or efficient we are if we’re surrounded by inefficient, ineffective people we to will be inefficient and ineffective. |
- Create the rules | When we establish the standards for a level of service that standard can become the rule. For example, when we say to a client “These are the rules for creating a RAVING FAN client” they will use this as a baseline for anyone else they are thinking of working with. Your standard now has become the law. |
- Fear or Die | We should do the right things for one of three reasons. The best reason for doing things should be #1. Out of Love, if that’s not enough motivation then we should do it out of #2. Friendship, and if that’s not enough motivation then we should do it out of #3. Fear. Doing things out of fear isn’t his best motivation but when we do the right things even for the wrong motivation we will see some level of success. |
- The two concubine story | |
- Kerplop principle | In World War II there were challenges with parachutes not opening. To try to correct the situation they had those packing the parachutes go out and test their own parachutes. It cleared up the situation right away. |
- The fishing pole | Many people will just put their pole in the pond and expect a fish right away. To really catch fish we must be willing to put the pole in the pond a ton of times to see the success. If we just drop line in once and expect to catch something we’re deceiving ourselves. |
- The combining principle | |
-“Point-of-entry" principle - 95% of all challenges/problems will be solved with a strong point-of-entry process. | |
- The heavier the load the lighter it is - | |
- "paint-by-the-numbers" approach - Just like painting by numbers can make someone look more like and artist and give them greater confidence we're able to do the same in business if we take advance concepts and break them down into the smallest pieces and the provide a solution and train others in how to present that solution. | |
- Perfect is possible principle | |
- The bigger pile principle - Rick Ruby & Neal Smith | |
- The Golf Pro principle - Neal Smith | |
- The watering of the seed principle | |
- The gentle slam principle | |
- The grass is greener | The grass is greener - there's always something better than what we now have. We all tend to think that things are better on the other side of the fence, when in fact it’s often only because it’s over the septic tank. |
- Want what they don't have | Want what they don't have – What is it that people want more than anything else? If we put a toddle in a room with a thousand toys and one other toddler, what does the toddler want? They want what the other toddle has. We as human beings want what we can’t have. |
- The teenage principle | The teenage principle – Many times as team members grow professionals and even as a team matures we can become like teenagers. Teenagers often have over-confidence in areas they shouldn't and under confidence in areas they should be confident. We need to be careful we don’t fall into that trap. We can often believe that we know more than other people who have much more life experience than we do. |
- The space shuttle O-ring principle | The space shuttle O-ring principle – Some details could kills us and others. One little “O” ring was off just a little and it cost a number of people their lives. We need to make sure that we don’t under-estimate the cost of one small mistake. |
- Pain is positive principle: | Pain is positive principle: Pain, stress, guilt, fear, conflict, etc. is positive principle - The difference between good and bad things. |
- Emotional back account principle | Emotional back account principle |
- The law of success: | The law of success: Doing the right things in the right way, over the right period of time. |
- Scratching of the back principle: | Scratching of the back principle: When we help others they will help us. When we serve others, we will be served. |
- Little Elephant principle | Little Elephant principle |
- The Star Wars Principle in Leadership | The Star Wars Principle in leadership - How do you know when you've delegated or given too much responsibility to someone? They won't take personal responsibility. |
- The Radar principle | The Radar principle - On MASH Radar knew what was needed prior to anyone saying it. (A62) – |
- Giving our best the first time principle | Giving our best the first time principle – A general said to someone he was leading to develop a plan, the person came back and presented the plan . . . |
- Law of the stream vs. the stale pond | Law of the stream vs. the stale pond - Are we passing along our gifts and resources or are we keep them close and they're becoming stale. |
- Law of the air traffic controller | Law of the air traffic controller - The air traffic controller doesn't go out and fly plans. There job is to keep things running in the most efficient manner - same is true with a manager - need to make sure that others are doing their work not getting in and do the work themselves. |
- Law of competition | |
- The Law of Choices and Consequences | The Law of Choices and Consequences - We can control our choices but not the consequences. |
- The IV Principle | The IV Principle - Little things done over time will produce great results. |
- THE SLICE Principle | THE SLICE Principle - 5% of sales professionals produce 80% or more of the sales. Those professionals who treat their businesses like a business, will be reward - those who don't will end up owning a job! Are you a part of THE SLICE? Individuals who succeed in owning their own company will invest 80% back into their businesses. |
- The moving of the wall | The moving of the wall - Can move the wall - i.e. change the action and it will improve some things but may damage something else. |
- The 1% to 99% truth principle | The 1% to 99% truth principle - There is some truth in everything that's said. It's our job to determine what percentage of what's being said is true and what part of it applies to which area of our lives. |
- 72 hour principle | 72 hour principle - To remove defensiveness, wait 72 hours prior to responding to something "negative" someone has said. First identify what part of the truth there is, how you will benefit from it, how it will change you, etc. |
- The reproduction principle | The reproduction principle - When we're successful we'll reproduce more success then we're able to handle. If our successes don't produce other people who are successful, who can handle that success, then we'll get weighed down by the success and hit a plateau i.e. a ceiling of success and won't brake through it. |
- The ear hair principle | The ear hair principle - Lying, just like ear hairs can be warren down by loud music, so can lying and/or not sharing the truth. |
- Wayne Gretzky principle | Wayne Gretzky principle - I go with the puck is going not where it's at. |
- Fuzzy Logic Principle |
- 2 people always agree one’s not needed | 2 people always agree one’s not needed |
- The pattern principle | |
- The Ant principle |
- The parent principle |
The parent principle – Outside “expert” is helpful to reinforce truth. Why? Due to differences in personalities we often discount those who may be in the most know and not fully consider them and escalate those who we don’t have a relationship with and give their advice more weight due to not being aware of their weaknesses. |
- The Fire Drill Principle |
The Fire Drill Principle - Getting out in front of dangerous situations and getting prepared for them prior to the them happening. |
- The confidence/aggressive principle | The confidence/aggressive principle - When we're confident then we become aggressive. |
- The Ace up your sleeve principle | The Ace up your sleeve principle - When we have a win in customer service we may want to keep that win for a time when really needed. |
The Natural Laws of Success | |
The Natural Laws of Success - Sales | |
The Combination Principle | |
Cluster Principle | |
Roller Coaster Principle | |
The Secret To Making The Women In Your Life Happy - Potato Chip Principle | |
3 Steps to Anything | |
The 4 Q's to Success | |
The 5 Areas of Business | |
6 Stpes to Drilling and Maintaining an Oil Well | |
7 Turnkey systems | |
The Seed Reporduction Principle | |
5 Time Management Freedom Fighters (eVideoSolutions) | |
4 Steps to Great Leadership | |
The 3 Learning Styles | |
The 2 Types of People: Thinkers vs Doers |
Personality Masteries - Overview |

A. Importance
B. How to do it right
C. Tools/Systems
D. Helping Others
Natural Laws - Click Here
Life Principles - Click Here
Personality Masteries - Click Here
3 For 1 - Click Here