Being a VA - Virtual Assistant or owning a VA company is providing a many individuals freedom to take their career / life in any direction they desire. Becoming a VA enables you to:
* Choose the hours you desire to work.
* Chose the type of work you desire to do.
* Earn the income you want.
* Work with the people you want.
* Work from your own home.
There is a three step process to becoming a VA - Virtual Assistant.
Step 1: Examination
Step 2: Solutions
Step 3: Implementation
In Step 1: Examination, LMI will ask you a number of questions which will help to determine if you are right for their program and what type of training you would need to achieve your own personal and professional goals. As a result of these questions LMI will be able best assist and guide you on the best path to pursue if becoming a VA is right for you.
In Step 2: Solutions, LMI will assign you a volunteer executive business development coach and / or an individual who currently owns their own VA company. This individual will review over the results of the questions you completed and work with you to determine if becoming a VA will help you to achieve your personal and professional goals.
In Step 3: Implementation, if all parties determine it is a great thing for you to move forward in becoming a VA a training and mentoring plan would be developed specifically and uniquely for you. This plan would include learning the things you need to learn to start VA work ASAP - As Soon As Possible. Individuals who have completed the training and now own their own company love the freedom they gain in all areas of their lives as a result of this training.
If you have any questions, at any time please feel free to call the individual who introduced you to this program or you may call 888.789.7878