What is your Life Vision?

Day One

Well . . . the big day is here.  Do you feel like you're back in school and it's the first day of school, in a new grade, in a new school, and with a lot of new things?

If you're nervous, that's great!  Zig Ziglar would say "That's good nervous energy because you want to do well."  The harder you've worked to prepare for this first day of work the more "good" nervous you'll be. 

You won't be the only one who's nervous, as the rest of the team will be nervous for you as well.  Why?  Well, we've worked equally hard to bring on the very best person, which is you, and we desire to impress you as much as you do us.  We're nervous for you to be successful and we're nervous, as a team, to live up to the very high expectations we've set for you as those same expectations are for us as well.

[    ] - 1. Get up early after a great night's sleep.
[    ] - 2. Have a great breakfast.
[    ] - 3. Imagine what your ideal first day would be like and set
that as an expectation. 

Don't forget your journal so you can take great notes on what is being shared with you today.

One of the fun Natural Laws is " Potato Chip Story." This is the secret to making women in your life happy.  There's a lot of truth in that story to do some amazing things within your career.

Welcome aboard!  We hope you are as excited to join our team as we are to have you.

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