Discovery of Love Help - LH's
Why This Question Works
The Biggest Challenge question is a great starter question and then following with the personality based question is very powerful in connecting with people.  The BC questions, as mentioned in the past will reveal people's pain. 

The "If there was anything you would like help on, in any area of your life, what would you love help on?" question tends to reveal where someone would benefit from.   It's may or may not be their pain or may be something they just enjoy.


Subject Line
Here's another question that I found helpful.



One of the things I'm learning, is that when I connect and help others that we can all accomplish a lot more together than we ever could on our own.

I'm also discovering, in my network, that there are a lot more people I can help, if I get to know them a little better and they can help me more as well.  Love to create those WIN WIN's!

Here is my question . . .
"If there was anything you would like help on, in any area of your life, what would you love help on?"

Here's a cool website that you may enjoy where others have shared what they would love help on. BIGGESTChallenge.htm

Shoot me a quick email on the above question on what pops to you mind.

Let me know if there is anything else you would like to connect on or would just like to connect.


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