The Action Card & Other Resources

Do we or those around use have challenges in taking action and following through on anything?   The Action Card is designed to quickly look at someone biggest challenges, what they would love help on, what they would like to change about themselves and then do a fast but very thorough personality assessment  to help individuals to learn how to think differently which leads to quickly changing and doing things we've had challenges doing in the past .  

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Try Out This Script . . . 

So I'm just curious . . . what would you say your biggest challenge might be?  

Thank you for sharing that with me and let me think on that and get back with you. Maybe I can find someone who will help you with that. 

By the way, if you could learn to be more productive in your time so that you make more money and free up more time for yourself would you want to learn more about that? 

And without fail, every single one of them said well yes I'd love to. And I said . . .

Great.  Let me get your contact information, and then I want to send you something that's just a gift, because I like helping people. 

And so, I send out the link to the action card and then explaining even with an image of A snapshot of the card itself because the action card online was not meshing up all the time on the browsers. But I want people to go ahead and move on that. And so, for a few of those people as we continue talking I talked about what they did for work and the conversation always came back around, "Well Steve what do you do for a living?" And so they're asking me what I do and interest I go further. 

One interesting situation was . . . AvaLynda and I traveled to William Woods University where my youngest daughter is studying Equestrian Science.  She participated in a training clinic on Saturday and a horse show today.  I introduced myself to the clinic instructor and show judge today and after a few minutes asked him him his biggest challenge. This led to a conversation about Mastermind and the doors of opportunity opened wide open.  Richard began to list the groups he wants to introduce me to which include, his neighbor - the owner of Nike, the owner of Chic-fil-A, the headmaster of a prep school in FL that schools the children of kings, princes and other world leaders and more. We talked with one of the instructors of the University and she asked me to get in touch with her about the Action vision card and the 30 minute strategy session to see how that would benefit the students of the school.  The idea of talking with these people gets me really excited.  Thank you for challenging me to use this powerful question.

Another interesting conversation I had with a guy, he is from Atlanta Georgia, he's coming up to Chicago working, he is a consultant for the Chicago public school system, helping them through the challenges that you have between the teachers, the administration, the whole organization, and he is leading to share ideas, that can help them resolve the challenges within the whole public school system in Chicago.  And I felt, wow, what an opportunity to touch a lot of people in Chicago at a very core level. And so we spent quite a few hours just talking about his challenges and what's going on. And, the questions open up a lot of doors.

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