Step 1  -  A group of three or more people get together and meet once a week for 30 minutes over the phone or maybe meet for breakfast to discover how the vast resources available through Mastermind Seminars and Legacy Partners could be used to help them with their business / community based organizations and raise awareness and money for a specific cause.

There are numerous resources available to assist in attracting to your group.  Actually . . . in many ways too many.  Use the ones you want to use and disregard the rest.

Getting three people to agree to this is fairly easy if you find the right people.  Individuals who are innovative in how they think and approach their business.  Sending an email or a short conversation sharing . . . “Hi _________, I am looking to put together a mastermind group of individuals who would work together to bring community organizations and businesses together to generate innovative opportunities for everyone and thought of you.  Are you interested in meeting with few people to connect and talk about the possibilities?”  [Listen to response . . .]

Depending on their response you may also want to ask them some questions:
- “What would you say might be a few of the biggest challenges you’re facing in any area of your life?”
- “Are there any causes that you are involved with, or that you might like to be involved with, to raise awareness and funds for, while also building your business?”
- “If someone . . . anyone . . . could help you in any area of your career, business or life, what would you love help on?”

Most people do not realize how many opportunities there are when we partner up community based organizations and businesses.  Community based organizations, great causes, tend to attract people who are passionate, giving, connected and can have a fair amount of influence and financial wealth.  

The people connected to a great community cause know a lot of people in the community who often make great connections for businesses.  When we learn to work together, it brings great benefit for all those who are involved.  

What if you had the mayor of your city behind you on this project because it brings massive economic activity to the community . . . how many people could you reach then?

What if you had the executive director for the chamber of commerce, Presidents of banks, major companies, or community based organizations like Rotary International all out there promoting your Mastermind Seminar, what would that do for your group, your business or your community based organization?

©2014 The Vision Projectl