A Mother’s Heart
This thought process came from someone adding onto a common quote of: “No one on their deathbed has ever said, I wished I would have worked more.” The reverse thought to this is: No one on their deathbed has ever said “I spent enough time with my family.”
A realization in life as a mom: Time is a funny thing.
I have always felt as though I will never have spent enough time with my kids.
Time ticks one second at a time across this universe the same way for everyone!!! (No matter what religion someone is, ethnic background, language they speak or how much money they make) Time does not change.
It is my choice of what I do with it.
The more engaged I become, the more deliberate, more purposeful I am - the more time I have. ?
I can NOT make time stand still. But I can make time powerful !! When I make my time powerful, that’s when time starts to slow down.
My prayers and wishes are that I look back when I am older -that I have lived life with no regrets, have felt not as if I would have spent more timewith my kids- BUT the time that I did have was amazing!!
Because when you love something- It’s never enough -but wanting MY enough to be satisfying.
Oh to hear the words when I stand in front of my Heavenly Father:
“Well done Good and Faithful Servant”Rebecca Snider