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Improve Pressure Points- "Double Your Income With Just One Small Tweak"
Sponsored By: Page Path
8 Minute Overview (FREE!)


Improve Pressure Points- "Double Your Income With Just One Small Tweak"
Full Session

Box 9: Improve Pressure Points - What's your biggest challenge? Are you working too many hours? Should you be earning a lot more money than you are? Do you have too much stress and not enough life balance? Do you think other printers & their profit partners may have the same challenges you do? Did you know that by making one small tweak, in one area within your system that you could double your income? Pressure points can do that for you! Learn how to improve them and what they can do for your business. The free first 8 minute lesson gives you the knowledge whch is followed by 22 minutes of Q & A . Hear what other printers and their profit partners have to say about pressure points and other challenges they are facing. Learn about their best business practices and how they have met their challenges. You'll definitely want to apply this lesson to help you improve your business. ($9.95)


Area 2: Pre-Sales
Level 3: Impove Pressure Points

If you're closing 2 leads out of 10, you're twice as good as the average in most industries . . . but still, you're not getting paid on 80% of the work you do. If you do not know your numbers, then how do you know what results you're really getting and/or if what you're changing works or not. These 35 minutes of detail to really know the science of your numbers, what those numbers mean and what you need to do to improve your numbers makes this a lesson that helps you to fine tune your system. 21 minutes of Q&A. ($19.95)



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