What is your Life Vision?


If you are having any challenges at any time it is very important that we address those right away. Often, when we things go, it will create a wide range of challenges in the future and a bigger mess.

There are two major types of challenges or what most people call problems:

Type 1: System Challenges - These are the easier types of issues to face. There can be issues because we either do not have a system in place, or the system is not fully understood, or people aren't using the system as they should be. If we have a system issue then we need to quickly identify where the issue resides and then pursue tweaking the system until it is resolved.

Type 2: People Challenges
- You probably already know this, but just in case you do not, people challenges are much more challenging to correct. Most people seek to solve people challenges on a surface level which seems to fix the issue right now when in fact all it does is kick the can down the road so to speak.

Getting to the core of the challenge / problem requires more time, energy and more knowledge / wisdom . . . at least in the short term. In the long term though, the amount of time which is saved when addressing things at the core level will save everyone a great deal of time and energy.

When dealing with people issues there is a simple process which, Life Masteries Institute refers to as the Matthew 18 Principle. In essence it says . . . when we have a problem with someone we are to:

  1. Go that person directly to work it out.
  2. If that doesn't work then bring in our manager to help. Do NOT bring in other people around us as it creates a distraction to others and makes the situation much worse, not better.
  3. If that doesn't work then we will either bring in Dixie or the leadership team. This costs the team the most as it brings in the most people resources. It very seldom should get to this point.

There is also a great Conflict Resolution model which applies not only professional but also in every other area of our life.

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