What is your Life Vision?

First Week

When we think of our Life Vision and our long term goals, we often get lost as to what we need to be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis to achieve those goals.

It is much easier to achieve our Life Vision, why we were put on this planet, if we know what that Life Vision is.  :-)   There will be so many things you'll be learning about your position, about your team, about the company, and about life in general.  This can be so overwhelming that we often lose sight of our passions, dreams and goals. 

We want to help that to never happen to you.

[    ] - 1. Review your 90 day goals to insure you are being a very productive employee.

[    ] - 2. Can you see how your 90 day goals will help the team achieve its overall Team Vision AND will help you achieve your Life Vision?

[    ] - 3. Often, we need to put in extra time to learn things to grow personally as well as professionally.  What a great habit it would be to time block some personal time, outside of your job, to work "On" your future so you don't get stuck working "In" a job that doesn't bring you the desires you want.

We understand with all the things you have going on in your new position that the new position may put some stress on your other relationships.  Check out " The Special Date Principle " and maybe time block some special time to have a date night with that someone who is very special to you. 

One thing we're really passionate about on the VA Team is helping each team member see success in every area of their life, not just their career.  We trust the above natural law will help you in seeing success in every relationship you have.

We trust you are having a great week and really enjoying your position and all the possibilities.

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