Introduction and Vision Casting
Learning to be a leader of leaders and earning money as a result of the work that others do is both a very big privilege as well as a very large responsibility. Understand the big picture and catch the vision for this exciting area to take one's E-VA company.
Learn how to take one's skill's, talents, hard work and wisdom and apply it to helping others achieve their dreams and goals. Learn the importance of learning how to recruit new E-VA's and then train, mentor and manage them and their unique gifts in order to create success.
The MOST IMPORTANT thing to remember is that someone in this position MUST have the ability AND the discipline to insure that those they are leading and earning money one while not working directly is generating five times or more than what is being invested AND can clearly show the investment and the return on that investment.
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Getting Mentally Invested
A continuation of the introduction video... the idea of having the authority of leadership requires the responsibility that goes along with it. A dedication is needed to start this process to strive for a bigger goal than most people dream about or make a reality.
You will get more of a sense of how to prepare yourself and consider if this is a good step for you at this time before diving into a risky, but rewarding project that can bring your business to the next level.
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