"Wow, I was only out for a couple of weeks and can't believe how much I missed!
This group is so different than other groups I have been a part of. It's all about taking action and not just learning something. It's all about turning our businesses into Kingdom producing assets! What I love is that it's only 30 minutes long. I have 10,080 minutes in a week. I now realize that if I am not able . . . it's really a willing thing.
I can see how everything I/we do here is directly connected into me building the Kingdom and the bonus is that it helps me at the same time build my business as well!
I am going to work, in the future, not even to miss one week there are so many great things covered each week."
(Click Here -> Summary of Entrepreneurial Case Study <- Click Here)
Was on ActionVision 10 years ago. It is so much more powerful now. I have a plan, working that plan, and it's producing so much results that I have wait a week or so to send out an email marketing campaign to my database. I am using the MCAT system and it's proving so helpful that I had over 20 resumes in less than 10 minutes of work on my part to bring on help. My plan is working so well I now have a new website, and marketing that website on a consistent basis, developing turnkey referral development systems and chamber member benefit systems. The BEST PART . . . is that I'm doing almost none of the work. I have a VA - Virtual Assistant who set up and is running most of the systems. I am working on getting my business to run largely without me.
- Scott Jongsma - sjongsma@fpfc.net - www.scottjongsma.com
It was my first time attending the call and I enjoyed how it engages everyone participating. I saw the "great in, great out" right away in the call - great interaction and great take-aways. I almost held myself back from attending a second time due to time constraints, but ended up learning about a great business principle that I believe will help me with my challenges. If I had missed it, I never would have learned that. a great call for life and business!
- Richard ( A financial planner with a large firm )
"There are so many things I should share about the benefits of CPN but I'll keep it to three that jump to my mind.
1. Saves Me Time . . . What I mean by that is that for the 30 minutes that I invest into the mastermind group each week I have probably gained ten times that back in additional time over my business career. Here is a great link! - click here -

2. More Balanced Life . . . There are over 200 natural laws which CPN has discovered over the last 20 years which help us to understand God's perfect design for business, ministry, and life. The Combination Principle has helped me to understand that my business is God's calling and that when I apply some of the same natural laws to my family that I do to my business that I will see greater success in every area of my life.
3. Earn More Money . . . There are so many giving people in the network who share what God has taught them in some of the most amazing ways. The 5/30 Grid and "The Golden Triangle" workbook - click here - are a great example of resources that don't cost any money AND help me earn a lot more money while working less hours.
In my decades of doing business I have never seen an organization which is so giving, helpful, and has gone the distance to helping Christian owners and professionals to impact the world in which we live. I believe every Christian professional and every church could benefit from being involved to help Christian professionals turn their businesses/careers into Kingdom 0utreach Machines.
Chris Tabscott - chris.tabscott@bankofamerica. com
Dear Christian Professional Network, I want to let you know that your staff has been blessing me since before the birth of CPN. I have been meeting with you over the phone on a consistent basis for two and a half years! I am excited to finally see the fruition of the network. It has been a long time coming, and it's exciting to see it on the web, too. I really enjoy getting together with like-minded business professionals who hunger for God's word.
The individuals within the network pray with me every morning and help me as I continue to strive to be the man that God wants me to be for my family and my business. I am asking God to raise up men to become godly leaders in their homes with their wives and children. CPN has truly been a blessing to me and has helped me be accountable to five other individuals that I meet with through the network over the phone. The CPN is great for any type of professional. It can help accountants, insurance agents, financial planners, attorneys, real estate agents, doctors, and any other professionals who are seeking to grow their businesses and work fewer hours. Thank you, CPN, for helping my business and me personally as I walk with the Lord. God bless, Edward Rivera President, First Financial Consultants
Edward Rivera, President First Financial Consultants
Dear CPN, CPN has been a godsend for me. First, it's a great way to start off the day. Finding other Christian business professionals who are having the same issues that I experience is a relief. It's been an interesting change for me to mix business with my faith. I'm learning that other people are using the profession God has called them to as an extension of their faith. Our relationships with our clients, referral sources, employees, etc. are all opportunities to share what God has done for us. Its okay to show that I'm concerned about "non-
business" issues in these peoples' lives and ask if I can pray for them; my profession is not just about making money. On the business side, CPN has pointed me toward Business Masteries, which has provided some incredible ways to replace the refinance business. I'm excited about how my loan officer's are thinking differently about their referral sources. We're all learning how we can mutually benefit ourselves and our referral sources with the third-party endorsement. I know it sure makes my job easier when a client has been referred to me by a Realtor or other partner. There's no selling needed on my part; we just do business!
Phil French Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corp. Branch #456
Dear CPN, I have a bachelors degree in Psychology and was stunned, yes stunned, to go through your two hour training course in personality assessment. I learned more in two hours about people, personalities, how
to identify someone's personality in fifteen seconds, connect with them, build trust quickly, how to communicate, and how to present things in their language so you don't end up selling to them but they just say "Yes" due to your presentation and connection. This is great for business, ministry, church, outreach, family, and relationships. Thanks so much for the connection. It was truly amazing!
Jeremy Zollers, Bachelors Degree in Psychology
Dear CPN/Mark, Hey Mark, how in the world are you doing? The on-line personality analysis program, that you introduced to our school, Mind Squared, is awesome. I was amazed at how simple and powerful this system is. It enabled us to quickly and seamlessly assess the personality profiles of our entire staff, all middle school and high school students, and every new student who enrolls into our school. Having this funded through Christian professionals (CPN) is ingenious. It's great for the school, great for families, and a great way for Christian professionals to connect into strong prospects for their business. It may be one of the most effective marketing/sales efforts a business professional could make. Since we at Capitol Christian Academy pride ourselves in having a technologically advanced high school, Mind Squared was an easy fit for us. We simply had our students and staff login onto your website and within minutes we had a profile on every student and staff member. I've never seen anything like this in education or business. You enabled us to take your years of research and experience and use it to better prepare our staff, students and parents to meet the
challenges of the future, and for a very reasonable price. Subsequently, we are already receiving dividends back. We are able to quickly see possible staff to staff, student to student, and staff to student conflicts. We are better able to assess the placement of staff using the information provided from Mind Squared. Students love it because they learn to better understand themselves, their peers and their teachers. In addition, our new parents are very surprised and pleased that we take the time to get to know their child and their needs. Many of them think that I'm psychic when I talk to them about their child's likes and dislikes, weaknesses and strengths even before the interview starts. Mark, your on-line system is a step away from a fortune. Any school or business that is interested in improving itself, would be crazy if they could not see the benefits of this powerful tool. Satisfied and Lovin' It...
Dr. David W. Gadson - Principal, Capitol Christian Academy
Dear CPN, I like what the Christian Professional Network has done for me personally as well as professionally. I believe that I have been challenged in my walk with the Lord and as a business professional as well. CPN cares about how I am doing as a Christian and how I am doing in my professional life. Through CPN, I am connected with other Christian professionals around the country
who share similar experiences and challenges that I am going through. I have been able to share my successes as well as my challenges with CPN members. I enjoy sharing thoughts and gaining insights from other professionals who are challenged to grow their faith and their business. Through the CPN, I have been consistent with other individuals in attending the daily spiritual/business conference calls at 7:00 a.m. CST . The calls helps me focus , knowing that my others who walk in the Lord are praying for me in my personal and professional life. I recommend CPN to anyone who wants to grow both personally and professionally.
Scott Jongsma, National City Mortgage
I just want to say yesterday was probably one of the best days of my life! Even as I type this the tears are
flowing down my face because out of all the prayers I prayed in my life time I never knew God loved me enough to actually answer all of them. It has taken 20 plus years to understand why I went through all the hell I went through in life, my business and my marriage but yesterday God did it just like that.
He reminded me that my life and my testimony is not for me but it is for the 7 billion people who need to know that if He can do it for a young black woman from Rochester Ny who move to the Chicago land area simply on faith and not knowing even one person here and turn my life into something amazing and giving me a family that loves me and understands me better than even my birth family. Then He can do it for anybody.
I have not been able to cry in over a year because I was so broken but now God has put me in a safe place with people who really love and believe in me and now the healing process can begin. Thank you Ed Kirch for never giving up on me even when I did not believe in my self. I am just glad you never had to ring my door bell one day and find me lying on the floor because I gave up and let the depression win.
And Mark Boersma thank you for trusting God and your systems he gave you to really turn this world upside down. I feel so blessed to be a part of changing all 7 billion people one person a time and now I finally see how it is going to happen.
Ok now I have to go wash my sheets because they are soaking wet (Lbvs).Have a blessed day everyone and
I hope my story made a diffrence in someone's life. I know it changed mine!!
Sherita Hill, 369 Hair Studio