Undercover Integrity

"Are you familiar with secret shoppers?  It's when companies like McDonald's sends in "customers" / secret shoppers which test the quality of the food, the service, the facilities."  

Why is this so important? Have you ever found that you've develop systems, people will follow the systems you develop, for some period of time . . . and then stop following them or will change them?  It's really a very interesting thing about people is that often individuals will say they don't know how to build a system but then once it's been developed people think they now know best on how to make the system work . . . which is not the way you developed/designed the system to work.

What's the answer? Have you seen the TV "Undercover Boss" where the boss goes in and sees what's really going on?  "Undercover Integrity" is similar to that where a resource from Life Masteries Institute which is a 501c3 non profit organization will work with you to develop a system to check the integrity within your company.  While it may not seem like it's an important to return calls quickly, or have someone wait less than 10 seconds on hold, or the phones are being answered the way they should be, or anyone of many other things which can be tested.

Call toll free 888.230.2300 for additional details

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