If You Want To Be Great :-)
Teresa Lekan, one of the amazing E-VA's made a very interesting observation about the training program.  She shared . . . "I love how the training is put together and how effective it is in getting people to where they can do billable work so quickly . . . but . . . it's like something is missing."

What's missing?  There are some core training modules which are not required to get your first billable project . . . but are required to keep clients long term.  Many individuals seeking to become an E-VA focus too much on the short term billable hours and miss building the foundation for long term success.

You can trust Teresa . . . or not . . . it's up to you.  Here is what she STRONGLY RECOMMENDS!

7 Foundation Building Lessons

The above lessons will help you to overcome the fears that most of us have in talking to strangers, the value of asking some very simple lessons, the importance / value of helping others and how that helps us, the value of discovering our own Life Vision and how to connect my Life Vision into that of those around me.

Career Success OR Really Life Success

Fifteen minutes a day and your life will be changed forever.  Watch one video a day, six days a week, manage Up/Out and you'll learn things which will help you to earn a lot more money, grow your business faster, gain more billable hours, have less stress and greater life balance in every area of life that you value.

How To Have A Lot More Time

If you want to do even better than Teresa then take the 30 day challenge.  Teresa shared that she thought this was too much for people . . . so it's up to you.  She had been in her company a year prior to her doing The 30 Day Challenge and the changes it has made to her business and life are amazing.  Up to you if you want to tackle this now or wait until later.  The sooner you do this challenge the faster you will see success. 


What is your Life Vision?

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