As a Chamber of Commerce OR an Association what is the biggest challenge you are currently facing?

Is it Retaining Current members?

Is it Recruiting New members?

Is it Restoring Past Members to renew again?

The 3 “R's” (R1) Retaining, (R2) Recruiting, and (R3) Restoring are the three magic pieces to the success of any chamber/association.  While there are a number of if different ways all three of these can be done, the fastest, easiest, and most effective way we have found to do all three of these at the same time, is to discover members and prospective members BIGGEST CHALLENGES.  

Once we discover their challenges we then are in a position to help members better leverage all the programs and resources within our organization.
Goal For Program
The goal of the Member Benefit Program is very simple: “Bring so much value to members that they will be Members For Life and will encourage everyone else they know to also become members.”

To Achieve Goal . . .
There are many ways your goal of bringing added value to your members.  There is a three step process to achieving this goal.

Step 1: Examination - Survey your members to determine what their biggest challenges are.

Step 2: Solutions  -  Assist   members   to  see how, through the network, events, and resources of the chamber they gain so much value from being a part of the chamber.

Step 3: Implementation  -  When we have done a great job with examining our members biggest challenges and then figuring out how to best help them with the best solutions, and then assist them in taking action on those solutions . . . they will gain so much value from the chamber, they will never think of leaving, and will refer others they know to us.

One of the things that Chambers / Associations value the most about this program is that there is NO COST to the Chamber / Association to participate.
How is this possible?
Sponsorships will take care of the entire program.  All that is on each email is a “See/Thank Our Sponsors” link which gives those who are benefiting from the tips to be able to say “Thank You” for sponsoring the added value members are being brought on a weekly basis.
This program is so powerful in bringing added value that there are already sponsors who have agreed to sponsorships.  There are also opportunities for other sponsors to also participate.  If sponsors come from within your organization there is an added bonus where 50% of the paid sponsorship will come back to you.
Time Required
The system takes no more time than what is required to get the program approved and then to review over and approve what is being sent out.
Life Masteries Institute contracts with certified Virtual Assistants to run the entire program on behalf of the association / chamber which enables the association to bring value to members without taking any time or resources.
Steps To Start
Step 1: Gain a basic understanding by going through this web page and viewing the video.

Step 2: Complete the following short on line organizational survey.

Step 3: Call toll free, in the US 888.789.7878 or 630.393.9909 ext. 222 to schedule a short phone appointment / interview.  

The system used to send out emails is the MCAT system which is administered through Life Masteries Institute which is a 501c3 non profit organization.
You will be given your own separate account and have full control of the account and everything that is sent out.  The entire system is run through MCAT which is why the system is so easy to implement and takes no time on your part as a association / chamber.
The only individuals who have access to your account are those individuals you give approval.  Your database is fully secure.  No email communication will ever be sent out without your approval and there is a full history built into the system which tracks every email communication ever sent out.
630.393.9909 ext. 222

There is no cost to the chamber / association and can actually
be used as a profit center.  Depending on the program selected
the costs can usually be figured to be roughly $1 a month per
member / individual in the database.  Again, there are
NO COSTS to the chamber / association.

Usually through sponsorships there is effort to build the
sponsorship program to $3/month per member /
number of people in the database receiving benefit each and
every month.

For a database of 1,000 members/people the target through
sponsorships would be $3,000 of which 50% would go to the
chamber / association (if they were responsible for bringing
the sponsors in) or $1,500 / month to the chamber /

In the above example $1,000 would go to cover the costs of
implementation of the program and $500 would go to Life
Masteries Institute which would be used to reach out to
other communities, children at risk, families in need, to
make a difference in the lives of people.



©2012 The Vision Project