Tom Kunz, past President of the largest real estate company in the world, helped raise over 100 million dollars for Easter Seals. Mark Boersma is an international author and speaker with a vision to raise billions of dollars and impact all 7+ billion people.
Tom and Mark co-authored the book Community / Business Partnerships which is inspiring business and community leaders to come together in monthly mastermind format to bring the best ideas, thoughts and practices to help raise money for great causes AND assist businesses grow their business . . . ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
HOW is this accomplished?
Many worldwide thought leaders have come together and freely contributed their ideas, thoughts (i.e. their IP intellectual property) to Life Masteries Institute, a 501c3 non profit organization, for the betterment of people all around the world. There is no cost to participate in Mastermind Seminars - Community / Business Partnerships.
There are three simple steps to go through to get your own chapter started. There are resources, marketing pieces, videos, support, webinars that you / others can attend to learn how to start your own chapter with minimal effort and time.