About. . .
About. . .
About. . .
About. . .

Purpose For Mastermind
Have you ever had a challenge, a problem that you just couldn’t figure out . . . OR . . . maybe it took you years to figure something out that was pretty simple once you did figure it out?  Our goal is to come together as a group and share accumulated wisdom with one another to help us all solve challenges / problems, faster and in a lot less time.

Why We Started The Group
A few of us were connecting over the phone and we thought . . we should start a mastermind group.  “Yes, that is pretty much how it happened.”  We believe, to go to new Dimensions in Living that we need to need to be around others who do not think the way we do and by sharing our thoughts with one another we will see greater mutual success.  

Day & Time & Location

- Please call 630.393.9909 ext. 222 for day / time of call.
- Webinar Access: www.RavingFan.net


- NONE - Members have found the most interesting thing.  Those you Pay It Forward and make a commitment to contribute weekly gain the most value.  It's also interesting that those who contribute more seem to gain more value.  


White Papers
Scott Recommends

Online Courses
Scott Recommends

Profitable Partnerships. .WIN
Are you looking for ways to generate more and better leads and much greater profits


Profitable Partnerships
Build a system to develop Profitable Partnerships with a lot of individuals.


Discover My Life Vision
How valuable would it be to discover our own Life Vision, why we put on this planet.  This free short video will provide direction on how to do this with less than one hour of your time.

Kingdom Enterprise
How do we integrate every area of our lives into our business?  How do we earn more money, work less hours and invest into eternity, all at the same time?


Integrity Leadership
This course is really a course that everyone on the team should go through.


Career Success
Discover Career Success and Life Success all at the same time.  The application of Natural Laws to my career.  

12 Ways To Grow Your Business
Mastermind Partnerships & CBP has developed a most interested working white paper with one new tip a month . . .


Personality Masteries
Identify someone’s personality in 15 seconds!  The most amazing course!


Additional White Papers

I am actively involved with The Vision Project network which provides an invaluable worldwide network for myself and my partners. 

. . . Additional White Papers

Additional Personal & Professional Courses

I am actively involved with The Vision Project network which provides an invaluable worldwide network for myself and my partners.  

. . . Additional Courses


What is your Life Vision?



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