
Generating massive results
by being a great steward for all
that we have been entrusted with . . .

Do you believe you could be a better leader?

Do you know something is wrong/missing in your leadership style but just are not sure what?

Are you facing challenges/problems in your business / organization and it seems like you can never get to the core solution?

Integrity Leadership is more than a course! Integrity Leadership is a movement that must spread through the world if we are going to address unemployment, poverty, and many of the other social ills of our generation.

When asked most people believe they have integrity and everyone has some level of integrity.  As we’ll learn in this course and follow up mastermind groups there are different dimension of integrity and the higher our dimensional integrity is the greater success we all will have.

WARNING: If you are the type of person who just likes to get to the bottom line

Click here!

7 Week Course - Outline
Check out the following to dig deeper!

Having problems in your role as a leader?  Don't try to come up with answers on your own.  You'll waste too much time and effort . . .  Join our Integrity Leadership Roundtable.

We meet in a webinar format once a month for 30 minutes and we discuss current problems leaders are facing.  You will have the opportunity to let us know about the problem or problems you are facing.  Our thought leaders and the other leaders participating in the webinar will make suggestions on what you can do to work through the problem or problems.

Each month we focus on a different topic

August's topic
The Value of Installing a System for Integrity Leadership

Click Here to Find out More


Integrity Leadership is not just about leaders having integrity but about how to build the culture of integrity throughout your entire organization, our networks, our families and our world.

We as leaders often address fixing the symptom rather than the heart the core of the situation.


It is so much easier and faster, in the short term, to fix the symptom rather than the core.

What is the core?

We wish there was one simple answer in determining the core in every situation but it just isn’t that easy.

What is “easy” is if we define integrity as “Doing everything we say we’re going to do and getting all those around us to do the same thing.”  

If we don’t have a foundation of integrity there is a very high probability that when we do find the core solution, we will not follow through on it. Why?  Because core solutions always seem to be hard to follow through on.

What’s interesting is that people tend to justify integrity lapses and explain them away. “I was too busy . . . a meeting came up . . . I didn’t have time . . .someone needed help . . . information changed . . . the situations changed . . .  a big client needed something. The list can  go on and on.


A university did a study, not too long ago, which showed when we lie (which includes coming up with an excuse for not doing what we say we’re going to do) the brain attacks that lie aggressively.

They also discovered that with every subsequent lie that the brain attacks it less and less, until, at some point in time, the brain doesn’t even recognize a lie as a lie.

Hmmmm, now that’s interesting isn’t it?

If you get the impression that Integrity Leadership has been REALLY well thought out, you are right.

If you have the impression Integrity Leadership is going to take you a lot of time, dollars, and effort to implement, Discard That Immediately.

Integrity Leadership is offered through Life Masteries Institute which is an IRS approved 501c3 non profit organization, in collaboration with a number of world wide thought leaders, companies, and organizations who have a passion for changing the world in which we live.
Your investment for this course will shock you. It is so affordable that you will be able to put every single person in your company /organization through this course without adding any new line item to your budget.

From 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how would you rate yourself and your team on each of the following?

What’s interesting . . . is that if we fail in one of the above areas it holds us and those around us back from achieving our full potential.

To determine how well you scored and what a higher score could mean to your overall greater success, in every area of your life, connect with the person who directed you to this site or call toll free 888.230.2300.

7 Week Course - Outline
Check out the following to dig deeper!


We don’t know what you’re thinking now but most people who review all that is included in this program tend to being thinking . . .   “This is so advanced, so much is covered, it is so comprehensive it must cost a lot of money to go through the program.”

Everyone is shocked to find out the investment is only $35 per person for the seven week course.

Yes . . . that’s right it is
only $35 per person!

Once people see the price they often think “It can’t be too good of a course if it is only $35 per person.”  

This message of Integrity Leadership is so powerful that we believe everyone on the planet needs to go through this course, not only for themselves but so each person will seek to work with/for leaders who have gone through this course and are applying it each and every day.

Our vision for this course is to have it spread all around the world.  The very low pricing for this course will help to achieve this vision.  Can you do your part and introduce it to everyone you know and even consider giving this course as a gift to others in your life.  

Once you complete this course you are eligible to apply to go through a certification course to teach, coach, mentor and lead mastermind groups in Integrity Leadership.

There are three levels of certification.  

  Level 1 - $  850 / Each Certified Instructor  

  Level 2 - $2,500

  Level 3 - $4,950

For additional information
please call toll free
888.230.2300 ext. 222

There is a phone interview, written review, and three letters of reference required to be considered for certification.  

Benefits To Me

There are so many benefits we could never list them all.  We will list what others, who have been through the course have shared.

It’s hard to believe that all of the following comes from a $35 investment.  What have you got to lose?  As you are going through the course, you’ll discover, that your $35 investment really has unlimited value.

We Will LEARN / DO . . .

  • Where I may lack integrity and not even know it.
  • How to be a leader to the many various personality types.
  • The deep value of culture and how to build the richest culture in the world.
  • How to leverage the discovers of others to build a deep culture without taking much of my time to do.
  • How to contract with a VA - Virtual Assistant to do all the work for me.
  • How the different personality types will view values in a very different way and what that means.
  • How to discover My Own Life Vision based on my own unique life passions.
  • How to integrate my Life Vision into that of the company I am a part of.
  • How to help everyone throughout the entire company / organization discover their own Life Vision.
  • How to build the the Team Vision based on the passions and visions from each team member.
  • How to take the greatest thinkers of all times, capture how they think, and then put that into a system for each one of my team to learn / pursue to achieve their Life Vision.
  • Embrace The NEXT Dimension Principle and learn how to fly through dimensions in months rather than decades as a result of capturing Natural Laws / Knowledge which will help us to accomplish a lot more (earn more money), work less hours, have less stress and have greater life balance in every area of our lives.
  • How to motivate and work with other personality types to get everyone on the team to give it their best in the DO area to achieve the vision for our team, given the culture we desire to have, with the values we have determined to live by, based on the beliefs we have, gaining the knowledge we need to have.
  • Being GIVERS vs. TAKERS is really something that is taught or maybe caught from those who are leaders.  How to be deep / passionate GIVERS and help those around us to do the same as well.
  • How by GIVING we actually receive far more than we give.
  • How to create a LEGACY which will pass onto every future generate within not only our family but also the lives of every team member and everyone we all come in contact with.


“Reaching beyond our dreams and goals in every area of our life.”
Overview - Mastermind Groups

In “Think And Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill shares “Whatever the MIND can CONCEIVE and  BELIEVE, it can ACHIEVE!”

Do you really believe that?

Have you ever had a dream which hasn’t been fully realized?  

Do you think it’s time to start going after that dream?

Do you believe that we can accomplish a lot more together than we ever could on our own?

Napoleon Hill, in the 1920’s, revealed the secrets to success and one of those secrets was masterminding with others.  

We have found that the best way to gain the most from Integrity Leadership is to mastermind together with others who have/are going through the program.  

Surface knowledge is very easy to gain.  Deep knowledge only comes from doing, taking action on what we learn.

The weakness of traditional college education is that there is far more HEAD learning than DOing.  MBA students are often known by business owners for having a lot of great knowledge / theory but it often does not work.

Throughout Integrity Leadership we will be exposed to natural laws.  When we look at systems for building powerful people we can think of there being two major pieces, the person on our team/being hired and the system.

If the person we’re hiring is an “8” then we only need a system of a “2” whereas if we have a person who is a “6” in skill, quality, integrity, etc. we would need a stronger system, a “4.”

The higher the level of the system the larger the pool of people we are able to choose from.

These and other similar natural laws are areas we cover in mastermind groups.  Learning the laws to Integrity Leadership and Career Success are fairly easy to do.  Apply these laws in the right way, to the right people, at the right time is what takes a mastermind group some time to do.

This will impact the bottom line in a much more significant fashion.  While this takes longer to do than “just increasing the quality of the hire coming in the door,” the business will have greater capacity.  

Imagine . . . having the knowledge, the tools, the systems, the network, the designation, and the skills to create Integrity Leadership throughout your entire organization.  

When applied properly, natural laws will help us to take our entire team, through Integrity Leadership to a whole new level of success.  

Working, connecting, brainstorming together in mastermind groups, helps breathe life into Integrity Leadership to bring this system to life on the most exciting way.

When our entire team has some understanding of the various natural laws as it relates to all areas of the 5/30 Grid we gain stronger buy in and the powerful of different types of thinking from throughout the entire team.

It is very powerful!

Here are a few other favorite natural laws . . .

4 Steps To Great Leadership will help you accomplish a lot more in a lot less time.  This process is so powerful there is a book which was written specifically to teach this one natural law.

Throughout the entire book, Personality Masteries has been fully integrated to empower us to best leverage our own natural gifts as well as the gifts of others.


Another recommended reading is “Made To Stick” by Chip and Dan Heath.   Did you know that by changing one word, we could double our sales?  When you think about it, it’s kind of frightening how even the smallest thing can have a massive change in the results we obtain.

When we learn to create powerful / profitable Business Operating Systems (BOS) through the DNA of the 5/30 Grid we will learn that even changing one word could double the number of leads we are able to generate from the same marketing efforts to the same databases.

Doing more, with less resources, is the key to having Integrity Leadership produce massive results.

Pressure Point Analysis

Do you know what one of the fastest ways to double our sales closing ratios is?  

It’s connecting with the prospects more frequently.  While this may seem simple most sales professionals and business owners do not know or do this.  

Based on university studies the average number of contacts it takes to make a sale is somewhere between 6 and 10 contacts.  The average salesperson will only make 1 to 2 contacts.  If it takes 10 contacts to make a sale and we only make 9, we have done 90% of the work, but will end up earning nothing.

There are hundreds of these types of strategies that really do not cost a company anything to implement and mastermind groups will reveal these secrets.

We MUST know these natural laws or all the other brilliant effort we put in will be wasted which will cause us to lose business opportunities.  

Marketing Model

When we understand the science behind behavior of large groups of people and how to influence a group's behavior to the benefit of the customer and those we are working with, we create WIN WIN’s.  

Most companies are investing all their resources into Phase 4 leads because those are “8” in quality.  The challenge with that is that everyone is chasing those leads.  

When we learn how to take the successes from Area 4: Servicing and Area 5: Client For Life and plug those properly back into Area 1: Marketing, Area 2: Pre-Sales, and Area 3: The Sales we build a system which will turn Phase 1, 2, and 3 marketing leads from the Marketing Model into prospects a lot faster and more loyal to us.

In the various training programs we will learn, at the surface level, all these natural laws, principles, and powerful business models such as the 5/30 Grid and Personality Masteries.  

It is in the mastermind process where we are applying that knowledge right along side others that we deeply learn how to apply each piece of knowledge in the right way, at the right time.

About Your Instructors

Tom Kunz, most recent past President of CENTURY 21 Real Estate, LLC. has over 35 years of selling experience and building world wide sales teams.  Tom lead a world wide sales force of over 140,000 sales professional in over 70 different countries.
Mark Boersma, international speaker, author, and trainer will present over 100 natural laws, systems, tools, processes, and techniques to help you build a sales system/process that will change the way you sell.

Have you ever learned something new and exciting, had the greatest intentions and then did not follow through?  Why do we invest all the time to learn things and then not take action on what we do?

These are good questions but the best question probably is, “What do I need to do which will insure that I am most likely to follow through on what I have or will learn from this course?”

To see success in follow through we have found, as Napoleon Hill did, that Mastermind groups are a very powerful resource to help us take action on what we know we should be doing.  In becoming a successful business owner and/or professional, we must have what are called the 5 H’s To Success.
(H1) - HOPE      - The HOPE and belief that we will be successful.
(H2) - Heart        - The Head knowledge to know what actions we need to take
(H3) - Heart        - Our Life Vision discovered, then plugged into actions.
(H4) - Hands      - We MUST take action - right actions - right way - right time
(H5) - HELP       - Deep knowledge and wisdom comes from helping others

While some wait to join a Mastermind group until after they complete all the lessons in a course, we encourage you to join a group as soon as you complete a Mastermind survey. Another Mastermind member will help you find the right Mastermind group.

A Mastermind group helps us learn from others, network with others, grow from the experiences of others and gain input into how we can be the most successful, in the least amount of time, with the least effort.  

Napoleon Hill in his bestselling books “Think and Grow Rich” and “The Law of Success” communicates the power of participating in a Mastermind group.  This next step is critical to success and it’s important to start immediately.  The faster we gain input, experience, wisdom and encouragement from others, the faster we will start on our journey.

The faster we start on our journey of success, the greater success we will have.  Yes . . . I know that we have a lot on our plate.  Yes . . . I know that we can come up with a million excuses as to why we are not not able to even invest 30 minutes into something which will change the way we do business and live forever.  Yes . . . there are fears and thoughts and “great” reasons why now is not the best time to do it.

Yes . . . we have fed ourselves the deception that while we are not going to do it now for whatever reason, we will do it later.  Why we think we will have more time later, how we will have more money later, why later will be a better time than now, is a mystery to all of us.  What is kind of crazy is the fact that we actually believe ourselves, in spite of the fact that we have probably told ourselves this for years and we still have not taken action.

If we really want to “Own a Company” rather than “Own A Job” we need to take action today and join a Mastermind group right now. Those in the Mastermind group will help us to eliminate our excuses as they have probably had the same excuses in the past and won’t let us off the hook.  This is actually what each one of us often needs to see success in this area.

[Online Mastermind Survey]

There are three simple levels within the Mastermind community.  Within 24 hours of completing the survey you will be contacted by your own personal mentor who will assist you in finding a Mastermind group that is right for you.  You will be given an assessment, some basic tools and then your online personal account will be activated to provide you with 24/7 access to the online university. You’ll also be given the times for your Mastermind group and all applicable information.

Your personal mentor will assist you to quickly get introduced to others in the Mastermind group/community and assist you in gaining the most from the experience.

Level 1: Basic

 * Access to weekly live Mastermind group call/webinar
 * Recordings for all Mastermind group calls
 * Network to connect,  receive and give help
   Long Term Commitment: None
   Monthly Investment: $195/month

NOTE:  If you are not able to afford the $195/month there are other nonprofit run mastermind groups you can attend where there are no costs.

Level 2: Intermediate
 * Everything which is available in Level 1 . . . PLUS
 * A customized personal/professional business/life plan
 * One on One coaching and support, as needed, to implement your plan
 * Access to online training content - thousands of hours are available
Long Term Commitment: 3 Months
Monthly Investment: $495/month

Level 3: Advanced
 * Everything which is available in Level 1 and 2 . . . PLUS
 * Advanced customized business plan
 * Specialized tools, online resources and systems for each of the 5 areas along with     the 30 boxes of the 5/30 Grid
 * Full Business Assessment, 12 month customized ActionVision plan
 * Access to a team of Virtual Assistants to assist you implement the cornerstone of the     5/30 Grid for helping you to get your business to run without you
Long Term Commitment: 12 Month
Monthly Investment: $1,495/month

All business Mastermind groups, group coaching, and One on One coaching are run based on the 5/30 Grid.  The 5/30 Grid is designed to be easy to understand and powerful when implemented properly.  To achieve the success that we desire in our business, we MUST have all five areas at the same level.

Our businesses are like a pipeline with each of the five areas being one of the five pipes.  If we desire to increase our overall profit we need all five pipes to have the same capability.  We are only as strong as our weakest pipe.  There are many ways to obtain the knowledge, i.e. the Head knowledge, required to see success in each of these five areas.  

One on One coaching , Mastermind groups , group coaching , and online learning are ways to obtain the knowledge and then assist you in following through to take action on what you have learned.  Click on each box of the 5/30 Grid to see individual lessons available for each area of learning.


One on One Coaching
This is the fastest way to learn and implement the 5/30 Grid.  A detailed business assessment is completed from which a 12 month customized plan is created.  One on One coaching includes One on One coaching sessions, group coaching, and access to a large amount of learning resources online.  Mastermind package #2 and #3 both include One on One coaching.  ActionVision coaching is also available and is often pursued by those who desire to do more, faster, with the help of others.

ActionVision YouTube Video - 4 minutes - Click Here
 ActionVision Video - 27 Minutes - Click Here
   ActionVision Product Overview - Three levels of one-on-one coaching - More Information

Mastermind groups
Individuals gain the most from a Mastermind group when they have a written personal/business plan, have one on one coaching, and have the resources to quickly implement and take action on what they have learned.  Mastermind groups can be local or worldwide.  The most effective Mastermind groups seem to be those which are 30 to 60 minutes in length, done over the phone/webinar, and have some base curriculum which the group learns and applies together.

Mastermind groups can be centered around interests, business opportunities, professions, industries - CPA’s, causes - stopping child trafficking, groups of people - churches/community groups, etc.

Group coaching
Group coaching is designed to coach a group of people in a similar topic, practice or skill and then work together to master that skill as a group.  Mastermind groups may employ some group coaching to effectively move the group along a mutual path of success faster.  Group coaching is used a great deal in learning and doing the 5/30 Grid as well as learning other types of business practices.  

Online learning
Online learning is the most flexible of all coaching, as it can be done 24/7.  The flexibility is both it’s greatest strength as well as it’s greatest weakness.  Often great group coaching and even some Mastermind groups are captured with technology, for others to go through at their convenience or at a later time.  Individuals can leverage online learning to learn and grow much faster.  

When online learning is used with One on One coaching, Mastermind groups, and group coaching, it will accelerate the learning/doing process and give it a multiplier effect.  Online learning requires the most discipline to do and do consistently, and most individuals struggle with staying consistent with online learning due to the flexibility and trying to do it on our own.

There are many different series of online learning.  For the most comprehensive learning resource center, Click Here.



One of the most powerful resource company / organizations tap into as an MSP (Marketing Solutions Provider) designation / certification.  With the MSP one has access to more resources than you could ever imagine.  To immediately tap into those resources complete the survey if you have not already done so.

[Online Mastermind Survey]

These resources are not only available to grow your business but you are able to offer any of these valuable resources to anyone of your clients based on their specific needs from which you will generate a revenue stream from these products and services as well.

There are new resources being added on a consistent basis to bring value to your clients and add to your bottom line.

Once you have completed the survey other members will have the information needed to assist you in discovering which resources will bring you the most value.  

The goal of all of the resources is to give you far more time back than what you are investing.  Our goal is to give you back three hours for every one hour you invest.           Click Here

BOS - Business Operating System                        - Click Here
Challenges with people                                            - Click Here

Integrity Leadership                                                  - Click Here

Area 1: Marketing (more and better leads)            - Click Here

Area 2: Pre-Sales (convert more leads to clients) - Click Here

Area 3: The Sale (convert leads faster)                   - Click Here

Area 4: Servicing (obtain more referrals)                - Click Here

Area 5: Client For Life (on-going business)             - Click Here

Profitable Partnerships                                              - Click Here

Sales Success (System for selling)                         - Click Here
Career Success (strong value for employees)       - Click Here
Massive Profit from/with employees & VA’s          - Click Here
Innovative Marketing Resources                              - Click Here
Community/Business Partnerships                         - Click Here
Natural Laws/Marketing Resources                        - Click Here

Becoming a Speaker/Author                                  - Click Here
Virtual Assistants - Get others to do the work       - Click Here
Military                                                                       - Click Here
Recruiting Masteries                                               - Click Here

There are far too many resources to list them all here. The above are a few of the resources which most business owners and professionals use.  

Questions . . . please call toll free - 888.230.2300


Get someone else to do the work for you!
-For Additional Information-

Do you find that you are overwhelmed with everything already on your plate?

Are you the smart type of person who is always looking to get others to do the key things, so you can earn a lot more money and work fewer hours?

There are some clients who desire to learn how to do everything and then will follow through.  Most of our clients either do not want to or feel they don’t have the time to really learn or master everything, so they bring on a Certified Virtual Assistant (VA).

We have found that Life Masteries Institute, a 501c3 non-profit organization, has the most comprehensive VA Certification program in the world.  VA companies and/or individuals who have been Certified through Life Masteries Institute are able to perform in a few weeks what most companies, employees and individuals are not able to perform in months or sometimes, even years.

To order the book and/or to find out additional information about creating massive success/profits through the use of other people. - Click Here  If you would like a complimentary interview/strategy session please call  toll free 888.230.2300, ext. 222 for additional information.

Executive VA - Virtual Assistant

5/30 Grid Implementation

- Week - Day