When we have a system for understanding people . . . we will:
   - Gain more volunteers AND get more from those who do volunteer
   - Obtain more donors AND the donors will give more
   - Earn more VOTES!

The DNA for PEOPLE is based on Personality Masteries which is the science of understanding people very quickly without giving them a big test or asking them lots of questions.  Once we identify someone's personality, we understand their strengths, weaknesses, what they love, hate, their core motivation for volunteering, giving money and/or voting, why they are succeeding in life, where they struggle, if they will like you, why or why not and if they are married who they are married to and why. 

Yes . . . all this is possible to know about someone in 15 seconds of talking with them on the phone or meeting them in person.  Learning more how people think and why they think the way they do we will have the ability to impact more people, in less time, with less effort and create WIN WIN WIN WIN for everyone.

Additional Information On Personality Masteries


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